Basically I've fitted it all up correctly.. Injector rail line goes to the Pump, the regulator goes to the 3rd fitting on the Surge tank, the 2nd fitting goes to the bottom fuel line (attached the the fuel filter) and the top one on the fuel tank return line. I then filled her up about half a tank wroth of 98. Okay so She's all fitted nicely, anyways I've turned it on, and initially it runs like a dog, but it comes good (I'm thinking just air in the system) give her a few rev's and then hop in and drive around the block making sure Everything is okay. I've got back to my garage, and it starts running rough again, missing etc. try to give it some revs but its really missing, I can get up to about 2 grand really slowly then back down but It's really not running right. So I've turned it off, gave it a couple of mins, clicks over and starts but it then starts running Terribly and stalls, I then gave it about 20mins. I've come back and started her up, okay it stalls again. so I try once more and give it a little rev once I started it and it runs fine. I've let it run for about 5 mins at idle and everything seems normal (yep I can hear the FANTASTIC pump working its noisy magic haha) okay so I've reversed her out and taken it back up the street and it starts being a dog again and it stalls.. Luckily someone saw me and gave me a push back to my place (great neighborhood!) and yeah That's where I'm up to with my car at the moment. And I was thinking I'd be able to drive it to Simon's.. lol Any Idea's guys? I was thinking too much Air in the system but surely it cant be this bad? OR a defect fuel pump, I'm not sure. Aaron