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Everything posted by AzMahoony

  1. He'd do that for you too, the cheeky little bugger! No worries mate I'll give you a call tomorrow or something and we'll work it all out
  2. dean hows about a take now pay later on the intake and plenum ?
  3. This forum is sooo Effing slow it's painful, I have to refresh everything like a million times just to see pages on it, Cant be bothered going on here much because of it.. Mind you my net in general has been a bit slow lately but seriously I just want to bash the screen like a Keyboard legend to show it I mean business Oh yeah there's my rant and weekly contribution lol
  4. Mikeyyy nearly time for your car to be staying with mine aye?
  5. The scary thing is you're probably not kidding
  6. Not my fualt I thought you were looking pretty fine Oh and the car was fast as too..
  7. I've been in that car before :D Big grats mate
  8. Brian's pass is the quickest on pump 11.01?
  9. nearly a 70rwkw gain geeez, new best bang for buck mod!
  10. You're unhappy with 220rwkw STOCK? lol Most of us range around 190-210rwkw yours is making awesome power!
  11. that's incredible! Big thumbs up to you mate, cant wait to see whats install
  12. My Xforce Gauge has seen about 10psi from memory, Yes I did stall her up hard and Thankgod it didnt break on me lol My best 60ft is a 1.750 with the ZF with 325rwkw
  13. Spotted Bluute on roe hwy/kwinana freeway yesterday morning around 10:15am, I was on my way home in the VY commy and was tailing ya for a bit, nice looking car mate
  14. Technically ya do bud, by cleaning them up!
  15. WELLARD LOLL One of your mates lives there Dean Looks like you's all had fun, good stuff
  16. Are you sure that's a GT bumper :s Looks weird
  17. Me and the Doc Recommend Simon 110% See our sigs
  18. yeah it was a 996, stupid media saying he was doing 300k's..
  19. Fuel system Related problem, haven't touched the car since Friday arvo, but it's either in the wiring or something is shot
  20. I was going to be there but my car got towed home.
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