Its worth every cent, theyll double what they paid for it within a year. Server providers, if it be big name ISPs or even stay at home bitcoin miners - have all made a killing hosting. What do you lads not like about destiny? The single player is weak like any other fps to be honest but playing with your friends making your own story doing raids/strikes/missions in a fireteam for rewards is awesome in my opinion. Ive sunk 600 hours into bf4 since its release for no reward other than XP on a screen showing my level. Destiny, while theres a leveling system its all about the loot reward you get at the end of a boss battle which makes it worth it, working as a team to take a horde of enemies or a huge badass strike boss. Pvp is okay, laggy and a little unbalaced but the games not even been out for a week so itll get reworked. Im a level 22 titan atm, going for 24 hooefully today/tomorrow if I get some decent drops today - the first free new strike is out and is reccomend for level 26, unfortunately after level 20 the level system is based on gear worn rather than xp grinding missions or monsters. Its a sold 8.5/10 few bits and peices could be better but I was never following the hype train so didnt know what to expect I also bought an XIM so I could hook my keyboard and mouse up to my ps4 cause I gave up using the controller.. its sooo much better haha.