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Everything posted by AzMahoony

  1. Just did the 28 min triathlon... my thumb is now shredded and can bench 200kg for 10reps
  2. Definitely. The storytelling and immersion is first rate, can't wait for multiplayer!
  3. Hang out with all 3 and play some golf, hillarious conversations ensue plus anger when hitting a bogey or bunker haha
  4. Yeah that's the one however I used an expensive crew so my overall cut was less. Just wasting money on cars/jets/boats and other unnecessary things aha
  5. I made 21mil each doing the sneaky version of the last heist, you make alot more doing the loud version. Just finishing off strangers/freaks and bought everything except for the golf course.. multiplayer out next week, that's where you make the cash needed the golf course if you cbf with the stock markets and missed the opportunities with the assaination missions in buying stock from the competitors companies..
  6. Freo. Hawks have won enough
  7. Hey mate glad you got it sorted sorry I didnt get a chance to post up photos, the bottom brackets were covered up pretty good anyways.. Yeah none of the bigger systems are a true plug and play job from what I've seen and none of them are specified to the aircon line change. In regards to the amount of room between the radiator fan and the belts, I can just fit my flattened out hand between them and no rubbing has occured.
  8. Should mention top brackets in engine bay and radiator supports under the car. Was annoying but it worked.
  9. I drilled into the brackets/supports and moved it all back about 5cm. Have about 2cm clearance, hardly any but enough without making it dangerous. I just used my muscles and kept on bendng it up and then back to sorta flatten it out like the early mk1's
  10. You should be making that power on pump 98, wish I could put some solid input in as to why you're not making upwards of 440-450.
  11. That late model mk1/mk2 feel.. Just CAREFULLLY BUT FIRMLY bend it untill you have enough clearance to fit it up. Wish I took pics of this when I did my install There's no other way around it unfortunately as the kits aren't version specific :/
  12. Take it for a test drive and listen out for noises
  13. might be time to upgrade the actuator mate in which case you may as well port the rear housing at the same time as it'll require you taking the turbo off (those labor costs!!)
  14. I'm gonna lock in A. possible fualty boost gauge. Without driving the car it's hard for any of us to truely diagnose the situation.. it may be fine.
  15. No places south. Either Malaga (Monstatorque) or Midvale (Xtreme Ford Tuning).
  16. Get either the gtx 3576 or 3582 depends on how far you wanna go.. (350-370) or 380-420+) on pump 98.. with an upgraded fuel/surge tank setup. MOST tuners will fit it up for free if you get them to port the wastegate and upgrade the actuator. Costs vary depending on the workshop. The GTX is on special indefinitely @ CMS for around 1600 delivered to your door. He charges an extra 15$ to tap the actuator bleeder nipple into the face. Best of luck mate!
  17. Yep blocked feed, new turbo for you buddy! Gtx time
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