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Everything posted by AzMahoony

  1. That's awesome. Where are all the nice fords around canning vale??? I am so lonely here.
  2. I rounded it on my bf and my fg. Safe to say Im not going to take my turbo off on the next car I get lol
  3. Glad I could help bud, need a video clip of that 'supercharger' before you get it changed.
  4. I am a tomato. Was awesome watching the T's hold their own against alot of the trailered cars. I will be there next year for sure once I have the peace of mind mods done like MurdoK's beast.
  5. Waiting for you guys to comence round 2. Needs more drag runs
  6. ALM is Brockas from antilag yeah? Thing has 550awhp on 98 so well over 600 on E85 which is what he will be running lol
  7. Played it on 360 for a bit, is the beta meant to be so plain? I remember the bf3 one wasnt this bad lol
  8. I nailed it then hit the brake after I saw a set of lights had a camera in it. Night night for my bf2 engine lol
  9. I can't get my head around how something rated at 310kw can match it with something at 430kw. Don't get me wrong, beautiful car nonetheless but for the price tag sheesh.
  10. If I look anywhere near that by the time im 42 ill be happy. I'm kinda expecting my metabolism to completely stop in my 30s and be a blob when I hit the 40s lol
  11. Far out youre a unit. Best body type..solid as hell. Note to self, do not mess with Kimberley Scott haha
  12. I never went to AIF mate I said I was joking above. ^^^^^^^^^^ 1 hour is all it takes me as I don't f*ck around. No theory to it, ive been doing this long enough bud. Page or 2 back I posted my progression if you want to see. (someone named changed me from AaronXR) Anyways I'm currently sitting at a sorta fat 123kg. Need to start dividing up my portions again, lowering my carbs and adding cardio. They're my biggest factors in 'cutting' in saying that though the leanest ive been was around 12% so I've never truely shredded up as I get slack. The little bro competes and won the under 21's in the IFBB a few years back so I usually mimic his diet somewhat when he's cutting.
  13. Generally its 1 body party a day 5 days a week. Never longer than 1 hour max, generally 40mins and I'm done. that's 5-6 exercises 3 heavy sets including a warm up and cooldown set with some super setting depending on the exercise. Only time I go for longer is when I'm including cardio into my regime which will be 30-40mins again depending on the day. I've been going for over 5 years now and have noticed my breaks between sets has significantly dropped from when I first started (as has the sh*t talking, standing around asking how the weather is lol) Also being a bit a rude bloke I tend to get sh*tty at people on their phones sitting on machines I need so I'll usually tell them to get off. sh*ts me to tears
  14. 100kw loss?? Crazy haha. Like I said on the video 117mph on street tyres is more like 320rwkw which is 370-380 flywheel kw? Before getting pmed by holdens fans saying fords are sh*t and holdenz rulez. I just love the over exaggerated power figures Expensive Daewoo always pull, its like they have a meeting prior to badging it up in regards to what power figure they'd be able to label it... before people start calling bullsh*t lol
  15. I was being silly mate aha I see it at the gym all the time, all these overweight/underweight/uneducated PTs trying to teach people makes me sick. In an industry where image is everything how do they expect to get anywhere?
  16. That might have worked for you mate, atm im struggling to get 3-4 days in just so busy with work and being a lazy *beep*. Don't notice the real gainz untill I push the 5-6 day region. Sitting at like 18-20% not really happy considering where I was this time last year. Need to clean up my diet/portion sizes. I know my sh*t, I did an 8 week AIF fittness course between jobs a few years back. Legit :turboboink:
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