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Everything posted by AzMahoony

  1. Haha if I dont eat before I workout I'd probably throw up from being so hungry
  2. If my gym had a lay down hammie machine I'd use the sh*t out of it. All I have is a standard hamstring machine a, glute machine (which mainly focuses on quads and upper glute) and the Olympic bar for DLs. Trained hammies/glutes/calves then some forearms at the end followed by cardio, nothing special to report just kept my deadlifts light and performed my technique real slow for 16-20 reps x 5 sets last set did 140 x 12 to see how my back would react, seemed pretty good. Will definetly up the weight next week slightly. Don't wanna f*ck my back again so just getting back into it nice and slow.
  3. I may or may not be there. Lol
  4. I'd rather pay a little extra to get the maximum performance out of my vehicle with the least amount of risk possible, which is why a custom tune is always highly advised. Asking intune for a generic tune is like asking a hooker for an std. Each to their own though.
  5. Its back day!! :angry::angry: Im actually doing arms today, gotta pump these pythons up.. they've been feeling flat as of late
  6. Probably the same blokes that have been trying to sell ladies perfume out the back of the white van which turns out to be turpentine. Pass out and they'll steal whatever they can. There's some real scumbags out there mate, when they're desperate for drug money they'll do/steal anything.
  7. No burnouts, missus would have my nuts on the chopping board. But I'll be present for the next whoop ass meet!
  8. My zf is fixed, I can stop sooking now Cars a bajillion times faster through gears, god damn cut POS. Inb4blownbox
  9. After you've done your 1k drive in, thread needs more burnouts.
  10. It'll never be as smooth as standard but the stronger feeling when it shifts make up for it, specially piece of mind. The BF always shunts into 2nd these days 3rd is pretty smooth though.
  11. Anyone know what precision turbo is being tested on the standard manifold/rear housing setup? Heard a few whispers about the next must have turbo for our cars.
  12. there's a carton in it for whoever is able to move my torque tags/fuel cut/zf fart/whatever you wanna call them to 7000+rpm where ill never be able to touch them. This not being able to do skiddies is killing me, I've given up waiting.
  13. Yeah fair enough mate. Will try to sort something out with my tuner
  14. Are the ebay zf tunes worth buying? And do they take away the zf fart between gears?
  15. Rebuild minus shaft on the cards or gonna do the whole lot while its out? Lasted more than double my box mate. Good job!
  16. Performance car and budget dont mix mate lol
  17. Probably goes so fast you pretty much get no time to change gears haha specially if the limiter is 6200 and yours makes power right to it
  18. I use to always manual shift between 5250-5500 haha
  19. What do they rev out to? There's alot of tunes these days I see that make power to over 6k rpm, MurdoKs is a good example. He makes an extra 30rwkw from 5500-6100
  20. Ahh I see, when are yours coming out then? Aha
  21. Well bosch and ID are 2 separate companies and since he said bosch I thought he may have meant the bosch ev14 1000cc injectors which KPM supply.
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