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Everything posted by AzMahoony

  1. 1:30 is awesome because mark and I work saturday and the 12:30 was cutting is super fine but now theres no dramas at all. Ill sling my 150 in now, marks will come as soon as he puts it into mine
  2. Lmfao, all in good time! Im just a little more responsible then I was having the bfII with 300+ wasps when I was 19.. not to mention having to get a built box and snapping the timing chain. (almost 26 now, enter grandad mode..) I haven't heard back from MT yet, only darrens been there the last couple of days so hes been flat stick working on mine and a couple of awesome looking FG tornado utes one which has a 6235 aswell but only going on pump for now.. The GTX is sold also mate, bloke in my estate ended up swinging past and laying a deposit on it so hes pretty eager aswell
  3. I haven't heard anything back yet but I dont think mines hitting the dyno until saturday
  4. In my BF turbo I meant lol<br /><br />FG im an old man
  5. I was an absolute hooligan in my first turbo, this one ima grandad, no burnouts to date :/
  6. I didnt post any up but the bf sold to a young bloke last night.. was on his red p's.<br /><br />If you see it around driving dangerously its in new hands now. Lol
  7. You've already done the flex plate so maybe ask em how much they slug for the clutch packs and input shaft for future purposes cause the built box has a firm shift but theres no thumping between gears..
  8. What time is it at mate? Sorry if its been said already
  9. Would love to mate but working hard for the money untill late today :/<br /><br />Gotta bring the account back up after my recent purchases.. lol
  10. I hope theyre quoting fly wheel wasps and not rear wheel cause that's a bit generous haha, I think mark was lucky getting 487 with e85 to be honest im expecting around the 450-460 aswell
  11. Cars in on tuesday after some delays with getting my fuel system from over east.. looks like were all gonna get our figures by the end of next week
  12. Me and mark are keen (has the fg with the 6235 pushing 487 killywasps)
  13. I'm keen and ill see if the crew is as well (few other xrt's that CBF with the forums lol)
  14. Ye you get what you pay for, nizpro/manta/apc etc cost alot more but the quality is superb. - owner of a 4inch turboback xforcer... mounts missing not an awesome fit etc ahhwell
  15. Azmahoony@gmail.com (Please send me viruses)
  16. Pics please!!! Going in Thursday, my body is ready.
  17. Uh ohh dat dere creatine.. youll have 24 inch arms in matter of weeks
  18. Dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like STEVE<br /><br />dontcha<br /><br />Ahhh dontcha.
  19. Prolly wouldnt win many street races but it would sure looking impressive turning every gear
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