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Everything posted by AzMahoony

  1. My car is actually at 19psi on the e85 tune, there was a bit of trouble controlling the boost as my port job wasnt ideal (rapidsystems ftw...) darren fixed it up a little so there's that, but at the end of the day I dont wanna make excuses or go on about whats better what sucks and blah blah cause knowone wins. My arse tells me theres much more response where there wasn't before (yea im still on e85 so it aint fair etc) and at the end of the day I only have my tuner who tunes my car to go by, and hes managed to get a better result on 98 verses the 2 turbos, might be different in another workshop - CMSJoe seems pretty impressed by em though
  2. Right at its limit 3 runs backed up 470 with plenty of timing left so the rapidcooler is a cheap alternative.. but I wouldn't reccomended ordering 1 lol.<br /><br />The PW cooler was making 487 in another car and wanted to keep making power, Kev knows his stuff that's for sure.
  3. Wish I could afford a decent cool now, mines letting me down. :(
  4. Nah that was from september mate, and yeah its just that gradual rise up compared to the max boost there its a totally different experience from the gtx. Cant stress this enough that the GTX is just as good
  5. What's<br />Wrong<br />With<br />Motorculture?
  6. United e85 mate. Rob said I was held back slightly by my *cough* Rapidsystems cooler, and he wanted my gearbox to last the drive home (stock standard still) My mate mark got 487 with his built box and PW st3 setup so its up to me if I wanna spend the extra 2.5k for 10-20kw really :/.. the box will be built come tax time as I wanna hit the strip!
  7. This is my uneducated answer aha -Better fuel, safer on the engine so you can run that higher boost with less risk of detonation/throwin a rod AFAIK. I can't really compare as im running the 470rwkw tune atm which actually has a little more delay in the boost curb compared to the 98 tune. But as for bum on seat comparison 18psi @ 2800 would be alot better than that gtxs slow rise up to max boost by almost 4000rpm. Dont get me wrong the GTX is a sick turbo and I have no doubt some e85 love would somewhat diminish that lag you can feel down low, its just this was what I was after. And with some better tyres my car could really hurt a few feelings when they see my rear lights from the get go and not have to play catch up..
  8. Sweet I like the words 'pretty cheap', after what I've just had done expensive just cant cut it at the moment lol. Are they the reccomended bushes everyone uses? I just dont want the noisy ones that I had in the BF.. whatever they were
  9. If anyone wants to help fund the 'I think my bushes are on their way out' charity, it'll be much appreciated. I seem to picked up a knocking noise when I turn left from the right upper wheel area - im assuming its a control arm bush that's gone and done a runner on me?
  10. Only thing im unhappy about is how quiet it is! Even coming off throttle with no BOV its just a little sneeze rather than the GTXs dose tutututututututchchchc. :(
  11. Here we are boys 6235 on 98 and E85 GTX VS PTE 6235 Max boost before 2800-2900RPM vs 3800-4000RPM This was for 98 only, Might be a little different for and E85 comparison.
  12. Yeah hes definetly coming mate I sorta told him he didnt have to pay untill closer to the date cause I didn't realize at the time when you needed the money :x
  13. Made 470rwkw going to go pick it up now, just waiting for a dyno sheet <br /><br />He didnt wanna push her too hard because my gearbox is still standard.. and yeahh 470rwkw.. standard box..<br /><br />Wish me luck boys
  14. I play against alot of fifo/centerlinkers aswell haha
  15. I'll see if Rob can do something for me in regards to the overlay, be good for comparison and then we can actually see where the respected turbos shine.<br /><br />Bloody darren, gotta watch him! He's a real character that one haha
  16. 18psi for 98 the e85 will prolly be 20psi.<br /><br />My cars the derpy sedan
  17. 98 tune done, stay tuned for the E85. Rob reckons 480 and I reckon I'll need better tyres.<br /><br /><br /><br />
  18. I work from 4-10/11 6-7 days a week so I dont work big hours I just dont get weekends off unless its my RDO every second sunday. If I go home and nap it stuffs my day up lol
  19. Good stuff mate mines there atm getting it done. Youll smash a 10 easy on slicks
  20. In-game press escape/start and its down the bottom right of the menu screen
  21. im on most nights after dinner/ early arvo after the gym if I'm not asleep because of my shifts haha. its x2 XP 1 weekend of every month so I put my 200% boost on, get service stars and get like 300-400k xp a game so you can jump levels :x
  22. Anyone playing this anymore? They nerfed the AA gun slightly... the range its fire and forget missles is half.. still shreds though :/<br /><br />Net code has slightly improved although still not up to bf3 standard which was also pretty sh*t, 1 hit bug still present numerous other bugs that need fixing.<br /><br />Second assualt is out feb18th (has been delayed for PC/PS4 for 3 months) which has 4 maps from bf3.. and naval strike should be out the month after because of the wait.<br /><br />Got my sh*t bucket level 100 finally.
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