Does the technology exsist in this day and age to not have arsehole kids? I mean, we live in a time where having 1 wage coming home is almost impossible to live on unless you're a high up or have waited late in life to have kids (or a dole bludger.. but seeing as were on these forums with the cars we own I HIGHLY doubt that's the case) The old lady is a primary school teacher, teching years 1/2 and I was havin a talk with her over the weekend about kids these days and shes having more and more troublesome kids every year that are uncontrollable, and because of the current laws the teachers are pretty much powerless to really stop anything. I know it all starts off at home with discipline (or lack thereof) etc, but as I said were hardly home for our kids anymore and theyre influenced by soo many more things than even myself (26) was living in the early 90s (was just basic 3 channels of tv, and eventually a super nintendo) Would be good to hear a few of the older blokes opinions about this