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Everything posted by AzMahoony

  1. Everyone in perth has seen TY 06 WA at one stage or another, he drives all over the place
  2. just a bump every now and then does the trick
  3. make the v8 come out stock with a turbo I'd buy it
  4. Well arnt they the sneaky ones..
  5. 1. type of car u raced down the quarter mile ? Turbo 2. weight of the car and your weight could be enbarassing this part ? 1700kg car and me which is 105 3. rear wheel power or engine horse power figure of a dyno ? 254rwkw 4. rate your driving skills poor to good out of 0 to 10: like 7/10 I guess. 5. what track did u ran at ?Hot day or Cold day air temp please ? Ran at night, was only like 16c 6. what tyres and differential ratios ? whatever the BF is stock? lol 7. elapsed time and mile per hour u pulled down the quarter mile? 13.254 at 107.81 8. 60 foot mark ? 2.1
  6. good to hear mate, glad it's worked out in your favour
  7. fhk me, that looks tough, pretty big cooler
  8. I think you should try replacing the battery. If that doesnt work, then I beleive your Automatic car shall never start agian
  9. Shouldnt be a problem with that, how about you wait at the BP at the lights there? I'm sure we could swing around and pick you up
  10. 2 14 year old rocko chicks could both fit 1 each.. oh wait.. whoops
  11. yeah mate, I'm in a fruit salesman, sounds like a crumby job but it's really good and so is the pay
  12. How much would it cost to get them sprayed black (like the dark agents), any idea?
  13. Would have been better if it was SEM1BJ
  14. yeah, its been lowered and its got a huuuge cooler white plates with black lettering (TY 06 WA)
  15. Bugger. Well, what became of his old mags? lol I JUST WANNA GET SOME NICE BIG MAGS FOR CHEAP@@ (without lack of quality :$)
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