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Everything posted by AzMahoony

  1. can someone tell me what the hell the movie is about?? like why is he the last man on the earth? and vampires?? wtf.. I think I'm going to read the book now, as the trailer gave me SFA infomation about what the hells going on and 6 months away..
  2. [quote name='mercuryturbo' post='547389' date='Jun 23 2007, 08:41 AM']Would be interested in that too[/quote] Likewise.
  3. I love being brought into the 'young hoons' group becuase of my age. I dont even do burnouts on the public road, waste of good rubber if you ask me, yeah no sh*t these cars can do burnouts, but what's the point? I'm glad W.A isnt bringing the high powered age restrictions, and if they do I'll be off my p's anyway by that time Yeah I can understand you being pissed off mate, I mean what kinda dickhead would do burnouts in the middle of the night, with heaps of sleeping people around.. He could have at least done it in the middle of no-where? No-brainers ruin it for the rest of us.
  4. see I did this and it sounded sh*t, well exactly how it sounded stock =\ I then used the oil filter on the end of the BOV and made it loud and cool
  5. I wanted a V8 to be honest, but I found that the Xr8 just didnt have the 'put you into your seat' feeling the T does. was glad I got a T in the end, mods wise the possibilites are just amazing
  6. ! SHE They were only 1 digit out.. lol was it packed as you went past it?
  7. Soo when are you becoming my next door neighbour? well in terms of estates hehe
  8. Going to Bunbury. Parties galore down there this weekend for some reason. An excuse to get pissed, and then get sick agian..
  9. howcome you havent got any engine mods mate? not even an edit! I've always wondered haha
  10. AzMahoony

    Round Abouts

    WHY DONT PEOPLE USE THEIR FARKEN INDICATORS!! that's what sh*ts me you dunno which way they are going
  11. seeen a black xr6 turbo today in rocko with the plates BAAA Was exactly the same as mine except for being a BA and it had the grey stripes
  12. Mate all you need to do is get the center muffler removed and get it replaced by straight through pipes, makes the car sound tough, and it will set you back around 50-80$ as for the BOV to make that noise just unplug it at the back and buy a 10$ monza oil filter and fit on top of the BOV http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.ph...st&id=30465 Heres a pic for you, it's easy, all you gotta do is loosen and removed the 'turbo intercooled' cross over section and fit it to the end of the BOV
  13. I luagh heaps when I see people speed up then brake, then speed up agian and brake.. I mean wtf?? so stupid.. I mainly drive to work and back so its all freeway. I just sit in the left lane on 100-103 with cruise control, and just watch every silly person fly past me in their beaten up datsuns. But yeah when I get a tailgater I just slow down a heap
  14. Fair enough, it doesnt matter anymore though. This topic was for my old XR6T. Mod's feel free to close/delete this as it's pointless getting bumped every few weeks Thanks for everyones feedback regardless though
  15. I forgot about the cruise untill I got a message from Dean at 6:50pm last night lol
  16. LOL was that the one you had a go agianst going to the cruise on the freeway? I was behind you pissing myself luaghing cuase you backed off and he jumped 2 lanes fanged it past a few cars and flew past you
  17. I had to leave after the 2nd leg, was pretty tired, plus I had work was lost for most of the cruise anyway
  18. Is anyone still going to this?
  19. you guys dont mind if we make a quick stop at the Gateways BP (just off the aramdale road/beiler drive Bridge on the freeway) Becuase migz is going to be there waiting for us in his T
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