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Everything posted by AzMahoony

  1. couldnt get her in yesterday, im driving to simons and dropping it off soon as ive finished work, *come on 10!!*
  2. hurry up Dean, before September comes!!
  3. *boots car door in* <--- not being able to do this is killing me
  4. I'll be there on one condition.. Someone helps me with this. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.ph...mp;#entry564335 Where's Allan????? ALLLLLLLLLAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN HELLLLPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Come back from Americaaaaa
  5. Sounds like what's wrong with my car
  6. Well I was to get my car re-tuned today, put it on the dyno everything seems normal simon gives it some and it starts spike boosting then goes low and then back up and it ends up like an endless wave. We were stumped as to why it was doing this, first we though there was a boost leak, checked everything - re-tightened a few brackets, round 2, still the same.. Thought it might have been the acuator, nope not that either. We took a look at the boost sensor to see if its not connected properly etc.. It's all perfect, nothing else could be wrong. The only thing we could think of being wrong is the boost/map sensor might be fualty.. So tommorow I'm back off to simons to check to see if that's the reason for my car's abnormal behavoir.. if it's not the reason then I have no idea at all.. Has anyone else had these similar symptons before?
  7. ill buy 1 off you, if you ever wanna start selling to the public
  8. Clear altezzas are ok on merc silver, chromes though.....
  9. www.youtube.com Search XR6T. Personally I reckon running no BOV gives you the best sound Pod/pipe straight off the turbo helps to
  10. Process west Sooo simple to install, and kevin is a great bloke to deal with
  11. Mine got aborted on the nizpro dyno day for that reason with a generic tune
  12. It gets put on today, so if anyone could tell me if it's possible or not, would be great.
  13. haha that's one lucky lady, if you dont want hers to be faster then I suggest you dont mod it at all And if anyone can point me in the direction of a local (rockingham) Suspension bloke who would fit a set of springs for us let me know, I rung ian diffan and they wanted to charge me 300$ just to fit them :s Cheers.
  14. the bunnings and monza combo is soo last year These days it's the pod filter off the turbo.
  15. Nice one Adrian, was an interesting read I'd rather have one of these then a wrx any day lol
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