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Everything posted by AzMahoony

  1. Ye flexer. Had a nice life yours did, mine lasted about 5 minutes in the bf
  2. Yea I know but ive never had a read-out for me car that states hp so its always been kw to me Edit: I assumed it was the same for our cars across the range.. not like he had a different car
  3. Srs though Cost/power ratio is at a point now where it would send me broke so nah not unless somethin goes bang then ill have to cry to mummy and daddy for an interest free loan which I hate doin bein a big independent lad.
  4. 2 blokes walk up: Oi mate how much powers your car got? Me: Uhh 470 on e85. One of the blokes: Oh nice.. you gonna go for more power? my phoon made 535. Breaks traction at 100! Walks off His car is 535rwhp.. which is still huge but arghhh I thought we universally agreed talking kw not hp in these cars
  5. I can only drink pepsi max... and maybe some vodka, in pepsi max
  6. You wait till summer time mate the power of these cars do a runner
  7. Like healthagenix (pisstake) and have a good laugh at the posts where they mimic what people post but its exaggerated somewhat aha
  8. Its all a load of sh*t isa,herba, whatever the next ones called. Massively exaggerated weightloss figures, and even in cases where weight comes off instead of 12-16 weeks sellers say 'in just 4 weeks using said product' in reality perfect diet and gym dedication etc. It really steams me off.. that and its a pyramid scheme business model making the lower class distributers scam their friends and family for a small profit of the overpriced supplments while the higher you go the bigger the cut of that cake is, theres like 10 stages. The products must be worth next to nothing but packs are over 300$ a month its fkn ridiculous. Im on facey wallopin on with all the sheep posting their sh*tting products on the local buy&sells.. arghhh go and get a real job ya gribs
  9. Isagenix and the goons that advocate it all over facebook..
  10. ahhh mate your cars gonna piss in 280rwkw, is it a MK1 or 2? I was making 318 with the same mods except I had a gutted cat. (BFII)
  11. What fat bicky says is a little exaggerated but its like that, sorta depends on the lad taking it though.. If he was like that normally it just gets magnified. If you go to the docs with a low test count they script ya up a legal roid cycle and monitor everything aswell.
  12. Nah im white as hell atm pal the locals boys at the last cruise pretty much got blinded by my pasty skin
  13. Testosterone wise I meant not putting 1 through the missus aha http://www.wickedsupplements.com/products-page/hormone-support/res100-liquid/ Im not normally 1 to harp on about products but this stuff is amazing. I feel way stronger aswell
  14. Get on some res100 while youre waiting for a possible HRT script.. some good things comin outta that product with bloodwork proof aswell. You aint even old though big fella and theres plenty out there to fix any issue downstairs issue up
  15. Get on a big dirty stack if you know what im saying.
  16. If I wanted to watch vampire porn id slam that into the xhamster search bar though.. prolly have a better storyline aswell :/
  17. I reckon big scotty dominates at arm wrestling
  18. Those t51s sound lovely but they'd be street cops wouldn't they?
  19. You lads realize the video had my car slowly accelerating and sitting between 2-3000rpm except for the last 2 seconds when I tap it to 3500 then flutter No boot, was trying to show the slight spool noise, but after youtube did a number on the quality its done it frig all justice really I'd do a boot video but I tried it this morning and almost ended me self trying to control it with 1 hand.. massive gribbly move
  20. I reckon you went in there ready to wallop someone.
  21. Ye tbf its alot louder when it aint being filmed by a potato but the gtx garrets have the noise category well won - specially with that flutter. Id rather have the better performance........
  22. Getting tax return back and about to do some extra bit of work to the car then get the rates in the mail that have gone up to 2.3k f*ck sake
  23. Nah I can do though, was just showin the lads the spool noise as the pt gets a bit of slack (from myself included) for being really quite and tame
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