Yeah I don't want to know, they actually wanted my motor out and shipped to melbourne, morons.. Just as well I've got Simon Fancy feeding all this bullsh*t etc to me, becuase of my age they must have thought I'd believe anything they told me, but since day 1 I said check the flex plate check the flex plate 'oh we did, we are 100% sure its NOT the flex plate, something internal, conrod 5 would be the cause, as its the weakest rod.' loll I phoned Simon up the first time, and relayed what he told me to them by stalling it up and check to see if the noise vanished, so they 'did' and told me nope nope the noise was still there. Then they sit me down and tell me these cars arnt built to be pushed, and that if I was cashing power I should have bought an XR8. LMFAO Seriously though guys. I'm going to make this stand, Please never go there, they are wankers who talk out of their arse. It's not over and I'll keep yous posted about these incompetent bastards. p.s I get my car back tommorow cheers Simon.