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About Craig.

  • Birthday 06/09/1972

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    Sunshine Coast QLD

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  1. I suppose I could have started a new thread, but then you would have been hanging sh*t on me for not doing a search! LOL Seems you cant win on a forum. My car wasn't doing it 4.5years ago or I would have asked then!
  2. So did you sort it out slow6t? Mine is doing it too and is stock.
  3. Happy Birthday Craig.!

  4. Happy Birthday Craig.!

  5. Happy Birthday Craig.!

  6. Happy Birthday Craig.!

  7. I reckon these cars are low enough in our part of the world broke. The roads up here are a joke. Its no wonder every second person drives a 4WD. As already stated the FPVs that came out with 19s didn't look bad, so go for it mate. What wheels are you thinking of getting?
  8. Where did you buy these. Price?
  9. Paulie, I reckon people do well under the limit because of fear of being booked for accidental speeding, such as doing 63 in a 60 zone, or because the speed limits in some built up areas change so much, that they are worried about sitting on 60 and not seeing the speed limit change to 50 and then get pinged for that. These are probably people who have already been booked for very minor speeding offences a couple of times already in the last 12 months, have had a gutful of handing over money for a speeding offence where they were doing roughly crawling pace over the limit, and have come to realise that the system is set up to ping good drivers who keep their eyes on the road rather than just staring constantly at their speedo and ignoring what is happening around them. A busy piece of rural road that I use on the way to work has something like 8 speed limit changes in about 9klm, ranging from 70 to 100kph. Many of the speed changes make no sense, as not a lot changes between zones as far as road conditions are concerned. With everything else that is going on around on the road, it can be easy to miss one of them even though I know roughly where they are. This comes back to my original post in this thread about our speed laws and being scared of the consequences, with almost zero leeway from cameras and your typical highway patrol copper making you feel like a criminal guilty of a much more serious offence if they pull you over. And after all, its not like they hand out warnings anymore.
  10. What sh*ts me more than anything? The fact that our draconian speed laws are used as a bonus tax system for each state government, meanwhile driving standards are in decline because all of the traffic cops have been replaced by cameras which can only catch you speeding. Stop booking us for doing a snails pace over the speed limit under the guise of saving us from ourselves, and get the cops out there to police and catch people who are doing the types of things that will be brought up in this thread, FFS! The other thing that sh*ts me is that the highway patrol and traffic cops that are left seem to think that fear and intimidation is the best way to do there job. Its not a war you are fighting you halfwits, we are talking about minor traffic indescrecions, so use a bit of common sense and nouse and you might just get the respect of your average joe back, because at the moment you don't have it!
  11. Happy Birthday Craig.!

  12. Tobey, you mentioned Race Brakes Sydney in your earlier post. Do they do upgrades to beef up the the AP clutch? I would have thought that this would be the best solution if that is the case. Its a good clutch, so just upgrade the friction material on the friction plates and hey presto.
  13. Correct me if I am wrong guys, but doesn't the AP racing twin plate in the BF F6 handle 350-380RWKW without too many worries?
  14. Luke. Read the whole thread and you will find that someone has already asked about the FPV badges and Hypnodoc has answered. Hint: See post #6
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