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  1. I'm running standard ICC twin stinger in line convertors to a 4 channel kenwood amp running 4 factory size JL 5x7s and using Line out on the Kenwood to a Alipine 350mono blockrunning a 12"Dual 4ohm Voice coil JL sub mount ed behind drivers seat facing the passenger wall. No noise interfearence very controllable and surprisingly sounds a lot better than when it was in the AU sedan I Had previous. 4 Channel is under passenger side seats and Mono under drivers. Power down passenger side and accross to drivers side with single earth source. (passenger seat mount). I agree that running the earth back to the battery could pick up the alternator whine and as such have always had very short earth leads from amps. I was advised by a few audio mobs that running a line booster (signal booster etc) would amplify the whine along with the preout voltage and that would be worth trying without first. Perhaps this might be the cause. I would start by reducing length of earth wire and go on from there.
  2. Pics of my New Toy she was only 2 days old then. Only 14 days old now though. Still got big smile on my dial
  3. 1200 mk2 xr8 ute 21 yr old rating 2 1 loss of license. had a claim last year before I bought ute so next year will go up to about 1500 so I've been warned. RACQ Brisbane Bayside suburb ohh and love the colour.
  4. Well I finally done it. After much deliberation we now have a second BA family member to go with dad's (XR6TBOGEY) Turbo. Picked it up Thursday night 12/04 MKii Manual Velocity XR8 Ute. Hard cover Wing and Stripes. So now we have 2 beautiful blue BAs in the house with best of both worlds. Auto and Man turbo and Quad Cam v8 muscle. Reaction to it just got to love the engine noise at between 3700 and bout 4200 as the second set of cams kick in and that beautiful engines noises come out. :o :o Not really looking forward to the first few runs in the rain though. The au was slippery as it was. Will post some pics of the 2 girls shortly
  5. mates XR6 ute (mk1) has had his replaced. ford tried telling him he caused excessive wear.??????? he told him to shove it and asked for manager. He got his new one. No dramas since.
  6. http://www.elisha-cuthbert.com/pictures2.htm yummmy shes my age too......... yummy
  7. This is my opionion neither right nor wrong. not baggin any product. I think we were "spoilt" (and being the lil "spoilt brat" I ain't complaining) by the xr6t by ford because they just gave us something that was too good. And everyone here would agree that the xr6t was and still is amazing. All its done is perhaps set our expectations higher. Perhaps what all the discussion with the typhoon should be not how "bad" the phoon is but just how good the "t's" really are.
  8. Just want to make a quick recommendation on those Honkook Ventus 104s we've just changed our 18s to those tyres and must say for a tyre which was less than half the price of the dunnylops (yes half the price) they have great traction great grip and are very quiet compared to previous. And great ride. My mate also has these tyres on his xr6 ute with 19's and I can say they seem to wear pretty damm well too. considering his driving style and light arse end they are quite impressive. Oh and by the way that is one beatuiful ride you got there. Really Really good visaul package. I'm not normally a fan of that colour but that is the exception looks fantastic great work
  9. rednut, how many litres do u get in your tank for the 600ks? remembering our full bodied sedans only run 68l tank which you can only ever get about 55 to 60 into in my experiences anyway. but we've got 14000ks and it averages about 14.5 on the trip comp and that would be 90/10 city/highway
  10. Just had a quick chat with ford they are def going to do a full rebuild on (auto) box all new packs and bearings. New Raditator unsure if there are 2 kinds. Hopefully they agree and replace all the rubber hoses. The last thing to be decided is how far they are going to check to ensure seals and gaskets haven't been effected and flushing the block. But that will be sorted over the next few days. So the wait starts again.......come to think of it this will be the longest time I've ever been wihout the baby.....and the week I spent waiting was killing me and that was before I got used to seeing it every day and and oh god wheres the bundy ............ chao will keep you all posted though.
  11. Just got word back from Ford. Auto transmission fluid line in radiator spilt. When car running more pressure in tranny the water so pilss out fluid. when shut down more pressure in radiator than tranny tranny fills with water. Ford are going to rebuild gearbox replaceing all clutch packs and bearings. New Radiator and radiator bottle I had to request that all rubber hoses be replaced and Ford have insisted to me that they will be able to flush out the entire system and log down so any future problems related to this will be tracked back. So looks like I'll be beastless for the next week or so but will have a new box for it.
  12. my bottle was pure pink no green in it at all. and thick like gravy. Thanks for your help guys
  13. that's my main concern. Also what damage it could do to areas where the sludge has been within the cooling system which has lines that run to the turbo, all the ares in the block the water pump just everywhere. it may be fine to flush it today but the long term is the question. Hopefully ford will have a good solution for all this.......we can only hope. anyone out there whose in ford care to comment on any previous instances of this occuring?
  14. also sludge has no brown consistency only this pink sludge.
  15. have checked oil yesterday morning oil is clean clean no water in there, thank god!
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