Well, long time no post... Recently made the move from NZ over to Brisbane, better pay and all that, but... And it embarrasses me to say this... I now drive a 2002 VX II Late model camira Executive... V6! Bloody hell, XR6T's cost more to buy in the country of production, than in NZ!! Whats going on? Admittedly, I only paid $9K for my Commodore, but I only got NZ$20k for my T which is described in my signature. I've lasted 3 months in silence since arriving here, I MISS MY T!! Please everyone. Buy an FG, flood the market with under priced BA/BF's, for people like me... those who wish to feel that sudden fear when touching the gas at 70km/h in third, only to have the rear end break loose, those who want to pull up next to a WRX and giggle like a girl in anticipation of the 12y.o. driver wanting a go, and those who want to avenge that time when they were on their 'L' plates in mum's Honda Accord and were pissed on by a superior car. I, for one, hope that the Orion is a colossal success, if not for Ford, than for people like me who want/need to be able to get back in a T. I only felt 250RWKW of fury, I need more! Every day I get into my Expensive Daewoo and it is a constant struggle not to punch myself in the face. This post really has no point... I'm just pissed off sitting and listening to people being happy with their t's... DAMN YOU! So every time that something goes wrong with your T... Think of Dunnas, the man who loved and lost... And smile, life ain't that bad after all.