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About Dunnas

  • Birthday 07/12/1983

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    Was Dunedin. NZ.. Now Brisbane, OZ

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  1. Happy Birthday Dunnas!

  2. Happy Birthday Dunnas!

  3. Happy Birthday Dunnas!

  4. Happy Birthday Dunnas!

  5. Happy Birthday Dunnas!

  6. Well, long time no post... Recently made the move from NZ over to Brisbane, better pay and all that, but... And it embarrasses me to say this... I now drive a 2002 VX II Late model camira Executive... V6! Bloody hell, XR6T's cost more to buy in the country of production, than in NZ!! Whats going on? Admittedly, I only paid $9K for my Commodore, but I only got NZ$20k for my T which is described in my signature. I've lasted 3 months in silence since arriving here, I MISS MY T!! Please everyone. Buy an FG, flood the market with under priced BA/BF's, for people like me... those who wish to feel that sudden fear when touching the gas at 70km/h in third, only to have the rear end break loose, those who want to pull up next to a WRX and giggle like a girl in anticipation of the 12y.o. driver wanting a go, and those who want to avenge that time when they were on their 'L' plates in mum's Honda Accord and were pissed on by a superior car. I, for one, hope that the Orion is a colossal success, if not for Ford, than for people like me who want/need to be able to get back in a T. I only felt 250RWKW of fury, I need more! Every day I get into my Expensive Daewoo and it is a constant struggle not to punch myself in the face. This post really has no point... I'm just pissed off sitting and listening to people being happy with their t's... DAMN YOU! So every time that something goes wrong with your T... Think of Dunnas, the man who loved and lost... And smile, life ain't that bad after all.
  7. Well, seeing as our rugby players are up to F-all, I'll cheer on the Kiwis in Bathurst (But only the ones in a Ford!).
  8. I'm f**Kn gutted! As you Aussies will be. The ref for the AB's game needs to be hung. That was absolute BS. But, France won on the day, and the AB's didn't... I'm running out of teams to support! Gutted, absolutely gutted.
  9. Alright guys, we're getting into crunch time now, the quarters are upon us and the usual teams involved in the tri-nations are shining (with the exception of South Africa Vs. Tonga). Just thought I'd take the opportunity to wish the best of luck to both the Wallabies and the All Blacks, as I'd love to see them face off in a semi. I've always rated the Wallabies to be the team to beat, particularly when it counts, as they always step it up a notch. I'm a bit disappointed that the All Blacks have had such a ridiculously easy pool with not a single team able to offer any sort of resistance, but I think a lot of the top teams were in similar positions. So it will be really interesting to see how the knock-out rounds go. GO THE WALLABIES (but just for the quarters) and then GO THE ALL BLACKS!!! P.S. Did anyone watch the AB's Vs. Scotland and feel as disgusted as I did, that after all the fuss of getting NZ to wear their 'away' strip, they both looked damn near exactly the f***n same!!
  10. My BA came up with 214rwkw standard everything. It was on a hub dyno though, which I've heard tend to read a bit higher.
  11. Yeah this ad has been in the news a fair bit lately here in NZ. The ad is showing an XR6 round a corner in perfect conditions and loose the back end, spinning and rolling down a bank, landing upside down on a pile of logs. Although they removed the badges it is very easily recognised as a Falcon, which is a no-no for these ads. It gets even worse because at the moment ford are running an ad campaign showing the benefits of the upgrade packages now being standard, including the electronic stability control. Which means you might see an ad about the great performance and handling of the Falcon... and then 2minutes later, an ad showing a Falcon loosing control, crashing badly and killing the driver. I can understand why Ford are a bit pissed.
  12. Found this... Angel Eyes DIY 'How To' Was posted up on another forum.
  13. Judging by what you will be doing, I think that choice will suit you well. I'd recommend getting a good set of semi-slick tyres (smooth down the middle with big knobbly bits on either side for cornering), from memory Hutchinson make a very good one. Bikes are like cars, they will only handle as well as the tyres will let them. And if you are doing a lot of road cycling the slick portion will make your life heaps easier. Whilst the sides will give you heaps of grip for off-road (or on-road for that matter) cornering. My 2c's.
  14. I'm pretty sure it will be a Wallabies/All Blacks semi... And I know that if anyone can beat NZ when it counts, it's Australia. Gregan could be yelling "four more years" at the All Blacks once again
  15. Dunno what it's called but I have a thin clear plastic film (like clear duraseal or something) on the front of mine. It is only noticeable if looking very closely and has stopped all but one stone from chipping the paint, and my car has done 80,000km. A few mates have since had it applied to their cars and haven't looked back. So long as it's applied properly, you don't notice it's there. Heaps better than the time and effort involved in touch-ups or re-spraying.
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