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About daav

  • Birthday 21/07/1988

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  1. Happy Birthday daav!

  2. Happy Birthday daav!

  3. Happy Birthday daav!

  4. Happy Birthday daav!

  5. Happy Birthday daav!

  6. im leaving on a road trip from melbourne to surfers paradise on friday, what are the roads like along the coast? is it safe to get to? cheers dave.
  7. whats goin on man

  8. daav

    Laptop Rebate

    Sisters in uni no one in high school, my dads got his own business so I could claim it through that I guess
  9. daav

    Laptop Rebate

    hey guys im a uni student lookin at getting a new laptop in the next few weeks, is there any kind of rebate I can get or claim it on tax??
  10. daav

    Telstra Broadband

    flukey, I got the same letter the other day aswell, apparently were getting moved to a differen broadbandturbo plan. not the best but its faster then what I was getting, so cant really complain about it!
  11. hey guys, ive got normal 256k broadbandand, and for the last week I have been able to download at anywere between 1.0-2.5 mb/s basically adsl2 speeds.... is anybody else experience this? on a good day I would usual get speeds of 23kb/s so this is pretty good!! is telstra doing something or am I just getting lucky?
  12. Bjc, ide ultimately like it to be one file like a mp4, but combining all the video files would also be good. I want to hook my hard drive up to my tv and would prefer it to all be one single file. There are no problems with streaming its fine..
  13. hey guys, ive recently started to back up my movies using dvdfab, and am just wondering if there is a way of combining all the video_ts and audio_ ts files so its in just one movie file?
  14. Lookin good hiro love the idea of the bracket turning outside! With summer comming should be good!! Once mines all completed ill post up a pic. Anyone else got a good tv set up they wanna show off? May aswell see what everyone else is doing while the threads open.
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