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  1. I know this is an old thread but I wanted to post a warning. My dad had some issues with braking not feeling right this afternoon. He went to look at the brakes and wheels, and because the front wheels were turned in towards the curb, he saw steel on the inside of the tyres. Both the tyres on the front and one on the rear were worn down to the belting on the inside, even though they looked as good as new on the outside. This is with a stock car (and on the standard dunlops although this is the second set I think) and he hardly hoons it. Slightly worrying as we are heading to Melboune in a couple of hours (from Adelaide) to see some people for Easter. No pics sorry as he had them replaced straight away. The guys at the tyre place told him that his wheel alignment was way out... although he had that done at the last service 6 or so months ago. So check the inside of those tyres.
  2. my dads normal trip to work is probably a fair bit more constant cruising (not too many traffic lights) compared to most of you guys. I know we get around mid 400's per tank but I cant remember how big the tank is, we usually fill up at around 40k's left according to the trip comp... consumption went up a bit when I had the car for a couple of weeks got high 500's a few times doing country driving. cant imagine how anyone could possibly get over 20L/100k's???
  3. on our xr6-t on our 2 hour trips which we do fairly often the last couple of times there has been cold water coming in by the front passengers legs, and we can hear water I think slushing around inside a tank when that happens. found out its something to do with the air-con as some kind of water overflow tank due to the aircon air intake getting blocked or something like that.. (I dont know I never trust those guys considering all the crap they told us about the brakes)... they cleaned out the intake and said now its clean it should never block again... of course a few weeks later we have the same problem again. I was just wondering if anyone else was having similar problems to know if this is a problem with our particular car or if its like a design flaw...
  4. 30,000k's here, got some rattles from the back at highway (ie 150km/h ) speeds, think its either the rear seat belts or rear speakers (have premium sound) as its coming from both sides... also I still think I have brake issues even after its been in multiple times, as I can hear some rubbing from the right rear at speeds below say 20km/h, like a steam train because its only rubs for a small part ofthe wheels rotation.
  5. ours went in to get the brakes done... (which sorta worked one of the rears is still obviously rubbing cause it gets way hotter than the others)... and now the handbrake dosent work! yay!
  6. personally if about 280kw for an fpv turbo is true then it dissapoints me a little, although its what I expected... imo I think if fpv were going to do a turbo is that they should have positioned it above the gt, rather than below.. so like 330 or so kw for a turbo fpv and then 350+ kw for a gtho range topper (both not inconceivable numbers as we know)... although its early speculation, if fpv werent doing a turbo or if the turbo was going to be positioned above the gt, they woulda stopped those rumors pretty quick... so I think its likely there is some truth to it. I have a few hassles with a 280kw fpv turbo though... it would mean ford might cop some criticism when after market companies are getting way more than that. I mean a $1500 boost chip can get that cant it? and second no doubt like the xr6t is arguably better than the xr8 the fp6 turbo would probably be better than the gt. it sounds as though "280kw" rather than striving to extract maximum performance they have been striving to make sure it dosent put out bigger numbers than the gt. must admit though it would probably only be $55-58k and would probably kick a clubbie's arse could be a great thing for ford, taking sales from both the ss and the clubbie... but wouldnt something that was $65 - 68k and could kick a gts's arse be just as good??? I guess from a sales perspective no... but I still think its a cool idea...
  7. yeah ours has a cracked foglight as well. running into the back of cars kinda tends to do that (well done dad)
  8. very slight shuddering on an auto done 12,000 40% highway, 60% city. went with dad for a spin yesterday and it is slightly noticable if you feel for it (so slight that I guess before me and dad just assumed it was bempiness in the road), but that was only during moderate braking from 60, so probably will be more noticable in hard braking or highway trips.
  9. yep had that happen once. car not used for about a week, tried to start it, really stuggled to start, and let out a few clouds of black dust from the back as well...
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