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  1. my opinion is for you to just buy what you can afford.. But remebering the new falcon is coming out very soon.. so prices will drop dramatically on the ba, bf falcons as the new shape will be on the road. the 4 speed auto is still great and you will grip onto the sterring wheel very hard so you dont end up in the back seat. lol How much is the red 1 above going for as the link doesnt work..? for something decent in a ba with low klms( 60-80) your lookin at 25-26.. im gonna sell mine soon,..hint hint lol
  2. thanx for the feedback guys. im trying a whole tank on factory tune.. I have found a problem with a coil pack, lead or spark plug.. ill let u know wat the new figures are when its fixed..
  3. thanx for the info.. ill b changing mine asap I wud think ford could be sued for a faulty jack if damaged occured whilst using it as per SOP's
  4. hi all, just got my xr6turbo.. and seems to be sucking some gas big time.. how much are you guys/girls getting out of a tank. mines flash chipped and pumps out 276 at the tread on 10 psi. at 10 psi I get round 220 klms to reserve.. on factory setting I get 220 out of 3qtr tank just seeing if anyone outhere is geting any better mileage. cheers
  5. sleeper


    my vote.. xr6 turbo is better just sux big gas... if you can afford it... plus you can tweak and play with a turbo and u cant beat that blow off that makes girls scream and guys drewl when its right next to there window.lol
  6. I wud have gone off my na na.. its not difficult to hoist up a car that's just the price you pay for lazyness.
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