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Azid Rush

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About Azid Rush

  • Birthday 18/12/1985

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    Donating doesnt allow you to be an idiot!

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  1. Happy Birthday Azid Rush!

  2. Happy Birthday Azid Rush!

  3. Happy Birthday Azid Rush!

  4. Happy Birthday Azid Rush!

  5. Happy Birthday Azid Rush!

  6. car is running nice now, turns out the NGK plugs I put in were dodgy. Put my old plugs back in and its running beautifully
  7. since I got the car I have yeah but not in a little while
  8. also, could it possible be a computer issue not liking new turbo or something wrong in the turbo install?
  9. if I put some coils in to test they would have to be out of an xr6t yeah? Ones from just an xt model would be different? what is the stock actuator part number how can I tell if its stock
  10. actuator is new came with the rebuilt turbo I havnt changed coils since I had car so I assume they are 120k old. Wasnt having any trouble until done this turbo, plug and oil change
  11. hey guys sorry I should have mentioned more about car. Dont pay attention to sig, my car is completely stock again. I did oil changed with Nulon 10-40 I think it was. The car idles beautifully, it runs fine on low boost u can hear turbo spool up, car picks up fine and slows down to a nice idle again, its only when u plant it and it kicks up to high revs
  12. Hey guys Recently I put a GCG rebuilt turbo in after mine had shat itself due to fords terrible oil filters. Since the change I took it for a drive to find that under heavy acceleration and pick up it starts massively backfiring and spluttering losing all power. While car was off road doing turbo, I bought a set of NGK plugs and put them in. They were already gapped properly and I was careful not to bump the ends at all so ive eliminated plugs as the problem considering there brand new and gapped properly. Car is completely stock. On idle and being revved all sounds good and right, just under heavy boost and power it happens. Pretty daunting sound, almost like a car hitting the rev limiter. The coil packs seemed all fine and in good condition when I changed plugs and didnt have any problems before turbo stuffed up. Could the cat have sh*t itself in the changeover, or cat not lined up with dump pipe properly? Any suggestions muchly appreciated cheers
  13. ah ok so its the oil filter line that would be screwed? Any approx costs on a 2nd hand turbo, turbo rebuild or any info on these $700 fake gt35/40s?
  14. ok does anybody know the rough price for a turbo rebuild? plus if its starved of oil there is a blocked oil line somewhere, how to fix it?
  15. hey mate cheers whats your name and number and ill give u a call
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