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  • Birthday 16/02/1971

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  1. Happy Birthday XRSIX-T!

  2. Happy Birthday XRSIX-T!

  3. Happy Birthday XRSIX-T!

  4. Happy Birthday XRSIX-T!

  5. Happy Birthday XRSIX-T!

  6. XRSIX-T

    Central Qld

    Ummm not sure I can promote the workshop here, without being a donating member. But if you ask Carl I'm sure he will put you onto us. TK
  7. XRSIX-T

    Central Qld

    Hi Matt, Good to see your looking to the future. $2200 for a second hand BF motor, but to keep it in prospective there was a BF II Turbo Motor complete with Turbo, Manifolds and wiring loom for $4750. Which has only traveled 1800K's, his car was rear ended and written off. If the short motor is brand new, for that price it didn't come from Ford, it must have been rebuilt and then you need to get a parts list to see what was put in it. I can vouch for the Atomic motors, they are worth every penny and you wont be disapointed. There is no difference between a BF Tornado, Typhoon or XR6 Turbo motor in that model. So don't let people talk up the F6 versions. TK
  8. XRSIX-T

    Central Qld

    Hi Matt, As your motor gets older fatigue will take it's toll on engine parts. So if your talking a 350 RWKW tune then there will come a time to start de-tuning the engine. The good thing so far is we are seeing more and more 100k plus vehicle still happily pushing out 300+ at the wheels. But the standard rule applies, treat your motor well and it will last a long time, flog the living SH#T out of it and it will cost you. My car has a motor with only 39,000 on it but the driveline and the rest of the car has around 109,000 k's on it. I had the auto checkout a few weeks ago and everything is running well. I sold my old motor which had 98,000K's on it and it is now in a mates car pushing out 387RWKW's and loving it. One of the things people don't like doing is spending money. But remember the better the bolton's you buy the easier it is on your motor.eg Stall Convertor, Induction Kit, Actuator and exhaust ............ A must is good OIL and a friction modifier I use Nulon's E20. If you are giving your car a hard time change the oil every 5,000. I hope this answers your question in a round about way. TK
  9. XRSIX-T

    Central Qld

    Hi Guys, Tony from P.R.E Dyno here. It is good to hear so many people who love their Ford Turbo's. I'm not plugging the business just thought I would pop on and say Hi. To answer a previous question someone asked about pushing a BA/BF engine to the limit. Anything over 300RWKW's is putting your car into an area that can pop your motor very easy. So you have to make sure you get a tuner that knows what they are doing. Dave has pushed a standard BA 2003 engine to 460RWKW's this engine had over 100k on the clock. I knew the previous owner who gave it a thrashing as well. So as long as the tune is done right these motors can take a lot. But just remember you have to listen to your car and make sure it's not making any funny noises. Once you go over the 300 make, driving around with the windows up and sterio blasting flogging the hell out of your car can end up being a very expensive drive. Once you get a powerful tune drive the car around for a few weeks and get to know it. Try differnet thing like, a hard run on a hot day going up a hill. This will load up your motor and give you an idea how hard you can push it. If you hear pinging, BACK OFF. Pinging is the detonation of fuel, it sounds like a metalic rattle or tapping noise. Detonation can destroy your motor in seconds. This is caused by too little fuel, too much timing or too high intake temperature. This also leads to making sure you choose the right combination of upgrades as well. One other important thing to remember, ask questions. Never feel stupid about asking, I have been doing XR6 Turbo's for a few years now and I still ask stupid questions. Things change so quikely with these vehicle and things we are doing this month may not be the same next month. eg, If I told you 2 years ago we would see a stock BA motor run 9.9 seconds you would have laugh at me. Always ask questions. TK
  10. Hi people, RDP's Mackay workshop is just down the road from mine so I will post anything new I find out. I hope this is true coz the more T's out there breaking the 1000hp will inspire more company's to invest their time and money in stronger up grades. This in turn, I hope, will finally get some one to look further into stronger internals or alternate 4/6 speed auto's. This in turn will solve my main issue with drive line strength and reliability. I just hope RDP have stuck with the original motor for the model vehicle they use. Unlike the Yellow ute which doesn't run an engine based on the factory item. TK
  11. One of my mates has an XR5 Turbo Focus, man for a small car it gets along great. So if your not into the large car seen then the XR5 Turbo is definitely the chioce for you. Tony
  12. Hi Mate, The only thing I have heard is the teeth are smaller on the ba to make running quieter. Which in turn makes then weaker than earlier models. This is only based on what I have heard so please correct me if I am wrong. Cheers Tony
  13. Hi, Dave is the man to see, this is based on watching him tune several vehicle for us and he's the only one I will let touch my car. Tony
  14. Hi guys, Longtime reader, first post. I have known Dave for a few years now and he never fails to deliver. I first met him when he was referred to me by a friend of a friend. I made a mistake taking my car to another tuner first, which turned out to be a nice learning curve in the end. Not all tuners are created equal and some can cost you more than just the price of a tune. Not happy with the first tune I decided to give Dave a go. Never looked back since. I have not done the most extreme mods to my T yet but Dave has been there every step of the way. I like most people want MAX POWER at LOW COST, Dave has been able to give this to me every time. With no short cut which can turn your engine into a grenade. Now I own my own Performance shop here in Mackay and still cannot think of a better person for tuning our beloved T's. Keep up the good work Dave. Tony
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