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About Dirty32

  • Birthday 08/08/1986

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  • Location
    Dianella, West Oz
  • Member Title
    Legendary member!!

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  1. Happy Birthday Dirty32!

  2. Happy Birthday Dirty32!

  3. Had my last 3 or 4 cars done with TKO... Good work, never given me a reason to go anywhere else!
  4. Happy Birthday Dirty32!

  5. Lol... No, Im a little north of the city - not too affected by the traffic. More that a member from here in Canning Vale wants to buy some stuff off me but cant collect it... Was going to see if I could meet anyone in the city so they could take it out with them... 6 Pack in it for anyone that is interested. If not, ill see if I can drive out on the weekend, but timing isnt looking great at the moment. We'll see anyways.
  6. Yeah - do that!! Secondly... For everyone else playing along at home... Anyone travel in from Canning Vale or sorrounding areas to the CBD for work at all?
  7. Iv got an 8" Kicker replacement and an LC6 Line Converter to sell on the cheap, if it helps out Aaron?
  8. If you think that you might get to a point that you could afford it and your upfront about it from the start (which you have been), then I have no issue with that... Your welcome to come check it out. Let me know when you'd like to take a look!
  9. Let me know when your ready... My F6 has all this done!
  10. Not really... How hard is it? Stay off boost and you'll be right... If you dont, you risk lunching an engine. I know what I would rather!
  11. Well let me know what you think you might be able to afford and we'll see where we land... Iv read a couple of your threads about diff bushes, spongy brakes, dodgy turbo bearings etc. You shouldnt have any issues with these on the F6!
  12. Hey all, I am trying to sell my F6 and while I have advertised it on the site in the classifieds, it hadnt really come out like I had hoped and I am not able to edit the advert... Nevertheless, this is as good a place as any... I had some pretty big plans for this baby, but between life getting in the way, a new car, needing to pay for an expensive wedding next year, needing cash to develop an investment & purely wanting cash for some other toys, unfortunately she has to go... She is in great nick and while I feel that the price is good & competitive (especially in WA, no R-Specs and most F6's have much higher km's), I am open to negotiation with fellow forum members to get it moved! It'd be great to see it stay with someone in the family... As a little sweetener, If you know of anyone in the market and looking for a car like this, I will ensure there is a little drink in it for any referral that leads to a sale. Links to external ads here: If you've any questions, shoot me a PM. Cheers!
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