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  1. Look sorry for any of my actions which have offended you. Being called a gutless coward by someone who doesnt know you isnt real flash either. So u made your point ok. I have no interest in entering into a pissing contest with you. LETS JUST DROP IT

  2. lol that seems a bit harsh!! by the way I drive a t so dont shoot!!!
  3. I agree with you on many points including the pointlessness of arguing with police once they have pulled you over. I however can NEVER respect any police officer who targets a law abiding citizen because of the car they drive, their age, and their sex. This is clearly not all police as I have stated and you would know if you read my last post carefully. Obviously I do not call them the p word when they have me pulled over (even when I haven't commited any offence, which has occurred on many occasions when they simply pull me over to breathalyze me because they seem to think young male falcon drivers must drink 6 packs at lunch). I apreciate your input and advice. You make a solid argument, but I will not respect cops who don't go by the rules themselves, I wont be a smartass to them but I will not let them bully me. My philosophy is not to respect anyone who doesn't respect you back, and the police officer who pulled me over that night obviously didn't respect me as she thought she could pull the wool over my eyes. That said I acknowledge that there are decent police out there as well as ones who aren't. I have the intelligence to not stereotype people as some police officers do to young males/females driving performance cars. I'm sure many of my fellow young counterparts know what I am talking about. Anway enough said, my beef is not with you, it is not with the entire police force, it is only with those who officers who try and intimidate and bully people.
  4. Thanx gu4800 (Victoria by the way mate) and EVERYONE else who has provided their advice and support. I am writing the letter right now. I apologize for calling the police officers that word only because it offends you ZapF6, as I would like to try and respect all my fellow forum members, however that's what I believe a large majority of police officers are, although there is no doubt some of them do a great and valued job under trying and dangerous conditions there are many who are unreasonable and power-hungry. Anway thanx again everyone, I shall let you know the outcome of this matter in due course.
  5. Last night I was cruizing up a main road (60) zone. Saw a cop car with its lights out waiting up a sidestreet and gently got on the breaks. I didn't have my eye on the speedo but I would have been doing about 65 maybe 70 if was speeding at all when I passed them. I was pulled over, a power hungry young female cop gave me a dressing down, alleged that I had been travelling so fast that the radar had not been able to detect my speed, she informed me that she thought it would have been 100 but was going to give me a break and say it was only 80 (3 points, 220 dollars). Um correct me if im wrong people but aren't these radars used to detect people at speeds of well over 100? now I would like to contest the charge, she told me if I contested it she would say I was going much faster than what she was giving me the ticket for and that there were 2 cops and I was by myself with no witness so I was up the creek. Can one of my informed colleagues from this forum tell me whether cops can actaually give out tickets because they thought someone was speeding but had NO evidence? can they give you a ticket for doing a speed that they estimated you to be doing by EYE???? I would have thought I have a case but this bitch seems intent on me paying and keeping my mouth shut or losing my license if I stand up for my rights. Does anyone know the law in situations like these? I will cop a fine for doing the 5 clicks or so over that I may have been doing but do I have to cop one for 20 that I was definitely not doing? I think I was targeted because I was driving my lowered XR6T with 20's to by the by, once they saw I was a young male (24) it was just an added bonus for them.
  6. DAFEY


    so I take it your one of the wank@s who thinks its alrite to sit up someones ass when their already over the speed limit ey Get the fck out my way is my humble opinion. Use the left if ya not overtaking.
  7. Totally off topic but I gotta say I like the lateral thinking with the xr8 wheels on the skyline, that's gold!
  8. well done on the car mate, looks like you have yourself one sweet ride, just a question though, one which may have been asked already, but where are the stripes and the cobra decals? gotta have those
  9. DAFEY

    Xr6t Vs Evo7

    geez u must have more dollars than sense man, how many cars do you need? having said that I still wish I was in your shoes, whats with the only turbo policy? dont you like V8's?
  10. DAFEY

    Top Speeds

    I'm sorry, I know im new to all this and this is probably a silly question, but who is this "wog" character of yours? when a car has been "wogged" what does that mean? is this a specific person or is there some sort of underlying problem with the greek and italian communities round here?
  11. DAFEY

    Bye Bye Falcon

    hey c'mon guys, lancers are pretty schmick, if only they made em for men, then I might consider buying one
  12. whoops found a thread which has already asressed this topic, my bad
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