I agree with you on many points including the pointlessness of arguing with police once they have pulled you over. I however can NEVER respect any police officer who targets a law abiding citizen because of the car they drive, their age, and their sex. This is clearly not all police as I have stated and you would know if you read my last post carefully. Obviously I do not call them the p word when they have me pulled over (even when I haven't commited any offence, which has occurred on many occasions when they simply pull me over to breathalyze me because they seem to think young male falcon drivers must drink 6 packs at lunch). I apreciate your input and advice. You make a solid argument, but I will not respect cops who don't go by the rules themselves, I wont be a smartass to them but I will not let them bully me. My philosophy is not to respect anyone who doesn't respect you back, and the police officer who pulled me over that night obviously didn't respect me as she thought she could pull the wool over my eyes. That said I acknowledge that there are decent police out there as well as ones who aren't. I have the intelligence to not stereotype people as some police officers do to young males/females driving performance cars. I'm sure many of my fellow young counterparts know what I am talking about. Anway enough said, my beef is not with you, it is not with the entire police force, it is only with those who officers who try and intimidate and bully people.