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Cruise Control
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Everything posted by RegSpec

  1. You might want to check the brake rotors too....HWP are notoriously hard on their brakes although the Brembos handle it better than most. Otherwise, as ravenhard said, get your tuner to give it the once over and barring anything serious, you should be one happy camper....
  2. You can post new topics in most sections of the forums but only Cruise controllers/mods etc. can start new topics in the cruise and events section. If you want to put something together just pm. me and I'll post it up for you if you want.
  3. Options?.....what are they asking for it?
  4. So is a slight bulge in your pants at the end of it One of the best cars Ford has ever built.....enjoy
  5. Question answered.....saw them demonstrating the system on the news tonight. Great bit of technology....and Zap is right...these things will have an impact on people who really shouldn't be on our roads.
  6. Looking for a copy of Street Machine Magazine February 2010. Need to scan one photo and one article inside it..... Will pick up, scan what we need and return same day. Southern Sydney area if possible please.... Any help appreciated guys
  7. Hey Iconic..... Another question that may be relevant.... Is it correct that the Police now have roadside cameras they can set up before booze buses (or anywhere else for that matter) which can take a No. plate, and then tell them instantly.... Wether the car is registered Wether the car's owner is currently disqualified/suspended Wether the owner has outstanding warrants, or has their name flagged for some other reason? Thanks mate.
  8. Yeah...I'm a two team guy as well.... Cronulla...yeah,yeah I know too'....at least they won't get the spoon this year anyway.... And ANY team playing against Parramatta Eels.
  9. Last weekend my wife and I went down to Tumut for a family do with her rellos... On the way back, we're honking along this country road and a ute going the other way flicks a rock up at us.....bang, right in the middle of the screen...it was a decent sized rock and I'm amazed it didn't break the screen but it left a chip about the size of a 5 cent piece right in my line of vision. I'm thinking...."Mmmm, one new screen coming right up"....and she says "What about that screen repair deal O'Briens are going on about?" Ok....so Monday we give em' a go.... Couldn't have been more helpful....it's 120 bucks if you take it to their workshop or for an extra 20 bucks, they'll come to the house.....SOLD! The guy rocks up when he said he was going to....takes a look and says no worries but there will still be a small mark when its done....I say give it a go... Yes, there is a tiny little mark...but you've got to know where it is and really look for it to see it. I'm impressed....144 bucks well spent...would recommend this to anybody. Other good points...if the repair cracks within 12 months, they take the cost of the repair off the price of a new screen....and the guy who came out is an XR6 owner! he wasn't on the forum but soon will be
  10. It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. If you can read this message thank a teacher. If you are reading it in English of your own free will….thank a soldier! It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves under the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag. To all the brave men and women who have dedicated or given their lives to protecting this country and it's freedoms: Lest we forget.
  11. Obviously not the Broncos mate..... And the Storm are having a merchandise sale too...... Jerseys,scarves,beanies,socks,flags.....but no cap.
  12. Storm jokes....guess it had to happen sooner or later.... There used to be only two teams represented by large cats. But now there's three.... Penrith Panthers Wests Tigers And now, The Melbourne Cheetahs.
  13. If only life was so easy....was Ebay sale, so no No's there.... Might have to find a sympathetic Typhoon owner through my fav car forum I guess.....
  14. I would but because its an FPV part, they insist on having proof that its going onto a genuine car you know..... I had hoped that this sort of thing would be available non-genuine.
  15. Amazing....three weeks and there's no-one who has any idea where I can get a BA-BF boost sensor....
  16. Mmmm...the poof and goat rooter cruise .... Makes me kinda glad Im not going actually
  17. Jeeesus Mick....this sounds serious Yeah right.....you know how jealous Stevo can get
  18. Last one I did got 25+ runners Rob....but I did give em' more than 3 days notice eh' I don't think it's anything personal.....a lot of the members probably haven't seen the post yet mate... Besides, sometimes its better with a small group you know...
  19. Learn a little before you start modifying or spending money Jess.... Have a read of this and decide just how carried away you want to get mate.. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=42058
  20. Mal Wood Option 3.....no two ways about it mate... One of the best mods Ive done to my car....nice light pedal and plenty strong enough for the power you're talking If you give him a call, he can courier it straight to your door
  21. Ahh Haa!!.....that's what it is ....a mate fitted a BF cluster to his BA and had no problems. We just couldn't figure why it wouldn't work the other way around Thanks ORSMBA....the above explains why....looks like Im off to the wreckers for a BF cluster......thanks again mate
  22. Bugger.....I've got to go to Tumut this weekend.... Oh well...have a great time anyway guys...and play safe ok
  23. If the difference is in the ABS system....how come all the test functions relating to this work ok and its only the engine oil pressure warning that gives a problem? Just makes no sense to me is all.....
  24. Part No. on original cluster is 5R29 10849 DA Part No. on cluster I want to fit is 3R23 10849 DE.
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