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Cruise Control
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Everything posted by RegSpec

  1. Fair enouigh JK....we'll can that idea....thanks for the heads up mate...
  2. So is there anything to be gained or lost by enlarging the hole a little bit? say, 2mm or so?
  3. With all due respect... You didn't know him very well did you...?
  4. Yeah right....why don't they tell us something we "don't" know.....
  5. Throw-over type workshop seat covers for when your a bit grubby and want to use or move the car. Sized to fit a Falcon size seat.... Similar to the Snap-on deals but with FordXR6Turbo.com printed on the front.....
  6. Neither one of them looks to be trying too hard....more like they're just out there playing ducks and drakes
  7. 20 years ago I probably would have considered it.....but nah'...like my comfort too much now... I'll keep an eye out for another business here in Sydney.....
  8. Im in the same boat..... Sold my hydraulic hose franchise this month and new guy takes over mid January..... I was looking at buying a tilt tray with a forklift contract but it was sold last week as someone else thought it was worth more than I'd offered Im currently having a stew over what to do next....I don't really want to go back working for a boss either but if it comes down to it, then that's what I'll have to do... Currently researching businesses for sale..... Nick....I can really identify with the "missing the cash" side of things though....
  9. There's a men's bathhouse just down the street guys!!!......
  10. Mate....if there was that crud in the filter, chances are that your air-flow meter is probably gunked up as well. Easy job to take it off and spray some carby cleaner through it.....
  11. that's what the pics are for mate..... I'm still telling other mates about it
  12. yeah mate...she was ready to do another cruise the next day Looking at some of those pics....we should have a caption competition
  13. I missed that... Somebody can't spell....
  14. Great vid Bethany..... And thanks for posting up the pics Trent Can't wait to see what Gary has in store for us......
  15. A couple more to check out..... Visitors to the BBQ at Yarrgobilly Caves.... And a ute spotted at Talbingo....the old and the new....
  16. We said our goodbyes to the others and pulled off onto Picton Rd.....accelerate to jump this old lady in a Camry (another bloody Camry ) before the end of the overtaking lane...pass her...start backing off and there he is, just over the brow of the hill with the radar gun.... 24ks over, 4 points and 361 bucks thanks.....Ivé always wondered what the extra dollar is for? but..... Oh' well...do the crime....pay the fine I had such a great weekend that I don't really care to be honest.... Gary got some great shots and footage fom the weekend and Dora got a load of shots as well.....hanging out to see them..... Footnote.... My wife had a good weekend too....but would like to see more members bringing their girls along.
  17. I feel sorry....I really do.... FOR ALL THE POOR BASTARDS WHO MISSED THIS CRUISE!!!! What a terrific weekend....great bunch of people....great roads....good times...what more can you say I thought I did OK as a cruise controller....until I met Gary...the guy thinks of everything! The amount of work he did to make this deal a success was first class....thank you mate! To Craig and Bethany, Jaime and Dora, Pat, Gary and Damien, Trent and Jaime, Tony and Dylan and Robbo and Mick,...thanks for a memorable weekend guys.... Even though I got done on the way home....I don't really care The weekend was well worth it..... Will definately be putting my name down for the next one.....
  18. DO IT!!!! And I think he's talking about Mickus's mum....apparently,she's been a long time cruise groupie
  19. Won't worry the Sydney guys because I'm gonna' bring them into Tumut via my secret back way.... It's a little quicker, heaps more fun .....
  20. Jeeesus....and here I was thinking I was getting all carried away just checking my oil and pumping up the tyres.....
  21. Im bringing Mrs Bionic..... Her health has kept her from coming along on cruises Ive run lately Even though she's in an orthopedic boot and has to hobble everywhere... She wasn't gonna' miss the snowie cruise for anything.....
  22. Poor bastard..... Are you bringing Jade?.....is Rob bringing Tamara?...
  23. A Chilean miner is making love to his wife for the first time since his release..... he says...."do you mind if we turn the lights off'? his wife says...."sure honey.....anything you want"... He asks....."do you mind if I do you doggy style?" "No problem" she says....."whatever you want baby"... then he says....."Do you mind if I call you Joe?".....
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