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About Macktheknife

  • Birthday 06/11/1988

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  • Interests
    Touring, all power sports, all life's good gear, driving the Gillies Range in Nth Qld, Power to the People.
  • Member Title
    Xtreme Xalted Member

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  1. Happy Birthday Macktheknife!

  2. Happy Birthday Macktheknife!

  3. Whewwww. Made it........... Much longer time since last post. Some years back a very kind Mod made alterations to my details resulting in a subtraction of some 40 years from my actual age. So, yesterday Mack turned 65....Yes you heard it correctly. 65 & still on top of the grass. So hello out there in XR6T land to any of the originals & other oldies who might recall a vintage member.
  4. Happy Birthday Macktheknife!

  5. I finished work at the usual time. 7 months 11 days to zero hour. But whose counting............?
  6. Happy Birthday Macktheknife!

  7. Got the Macka arse into a G6ET yesterday.....How great it was. Unfortunatly it was my sons and it was only to taxi the Grandies to my joint for a sleepover. Still good though, had forgotten that rush when accelerating up the join lane onto the Gateway, Grandies going "go fast poppa" SWMBO going "I knew you were going to do that" :sungum: Sons project car, (Merc 190 E) after many false starts has hit a new stage. Is now back on the ground, soon to go to "the man who does such things" for fitment of a Toyota 5l V12. Ya get that...... Missing owning a T but.....
  8. Sorry blokes, gotta head to Sydney on the 5.30 am flight Friday. Struth & Fark. Happy chewing & chuging and maybe see someone again in 2012. Macka.
  9. I'm in but only one of me. (SWMBO in Sydney) I'm also the desi driver & early stump puller so anyone on the Northside (Round Asply etc)who wants a lift in the Korean Express (No really..)Give me a call on 0448 884 894. (I answer as Trevor) Cheers Mack.
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