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  • Birthday 11/08/1987

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    Berwick, VIC
  • Member Title
    Sexy Member

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  1. Happy Birthday PURVIE!

  2. Happy Birthday PURVIE!

  3. Happy Birthday PURVIE!

  4. Happy Birthday PURVIE!

  5. Thanks for be replies guys. I will go and buy a set of time delay\canceling capacitors and get a new HID kit, will report back with results.
  6. Hey Guys! It's been a while! I recently picked up a brand new G6ET and installed a HID kit. It worked perfectly for 3 months and during the week the drivers side stopped working. Did a bit of troubleshooting, replaced the globes, wiring and turns out it was a ballast problem. I replaced it and it worked fine until the next day the replacement ballast blew out. I have been through 3 ballasts now and while driving yesterday the dash popped up with 'headlight fault' There is no issue with the passenger side and the fuses are still in tact. I have gone back to standard halogen globes today, no problem as yet. Any ideas? It's good to be back
  7. It basically feels like a flat tyre
  8. looks good mate! Although looking at the weather in those pics it would seem you didnt enjoy your nice clean car for long...
  9. I put this vid up on youtube ages ago, found it on ebay...sounds pretty tough for an n\a at least it'll give you an idea of what it'll sound like:
  10. I dont suppose you know the brand of this permanent tyre shine???
  11. hey mate yea ill try and post some during the week, ill give it a wash and make it look all sexy like first
  12. I run my 2 x 12 inch clarion subs off the factory amp and have been for about 2 years now. Never had a problem with it drawing too much power, cutting out etc. If its just a temporary thing do that, IMO it changes the whole sound of your stock audio system.
  13. Yea sorry bud but that looks shiiithouse. Red walls look great on black or silver T's with black rims, and the stock rims dont help your case either. On a quick note I got my walls done the other day, PINK! I got a phantom T with 20 inch black verde madonnas and it sets the car right off, something unique! Just gotta play around in photoshop or paint if your a little unsure. You can remove the walls with acetone if you really hate it.
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