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  1. Thanks for the tip Rotodavid, checked this morning and sure enough repeat had been activated on ipod itself. Now works perfectly. Thanks again - I guess that is what this site is all about.
  2. My FG XR6 Turbo seems to surge or draw back when driving at the 50km speed limit, have noticed it at times at 60kms and 90kms per hour. Especially when cold. When holding the throttle staedy or on cruise just feel likes its pulling back all the time. The tacho also flutters slightly. Have had the computer reflashed at 3000kms service made a bit of difference but not a lot. Dealer reckons the 6spd auto might not know whether it should change or not - some how I think it should be better that that. Anyone else noticing this problem?
  3. Mine has worked well until I pressed 'repeat' After listening to the song a couple of times I pressed 'repeat' off, however now every time I get back in and turn the car back on the 'repeat' button is on. Bloody frustrating. Any clues - Dealer hasnt a clue.
  4. Thanks for the info, I will see what my dealer can do - surprised the liner is not in the flagship!
  5. Apologies on scuff plates - just finished cleaning the car and discovered there was a clear plastic protection strip over the plates, peel that off and scuffs gone - it was only protector lifting. Doh!! Secondly after having a BA XR6T for 5 years dont bag the FG until you have driven it - the power done low is awesome.
  6. Anyone else noticed that the new FG XR scuff plates really do scuff!! The ones on my BA XR6T were recessed in, whilst the new ones just stick on top and if a shoe hits them they scratch or even lift at the edge. For what they cost they are pretty poor. Also does anyone have a part number & cost for the carpet liner that attaches to the inside of the boot lid for the FG. I assume they make one for the G6T as the standard G series hasnt got the liner either. Cant seem to find any globe holders for footwell lights in the Fg doesnt appear to be like the old models. Anyone had any luck?
  7. Has anyone found any foot well globe holders in the new FG XR6 Turbo. I have premium sound and had no problem finding them in my old BA. Wondering if they are standard in the G series. If anyone has one with foot well lights could they please check out where they are located. Thanks.
  8. I had an early 2003 BA XR6T auto and have had the new one about two weeks (auto) - there is no comparison, I could not believe the difference. If you flattened the BA it just squatted and went - wet or dry road, this one flatten it at 20kms an hour and it will break into wheel spin especially on a damp road. So much more grunt down low. Worth a drive.
  9. Hi Guys Also from SA, live the Riverland at Renmark. Have a mercury silver XR6T with premium sound, tinted windows, spats etc. Quite a few T's starting to get around this area. Mine is being used in a wedding tomorrow. Still have my 95 EF XR6, now wifes car. Have belonged to a club in Adelaide at one stage but very difficult when you live in the country. This is a great site, except since the new format I cant view the site on my 6yr old home computer running Netscape. Just loads to a blank blue page. Dont know if anyone else has experienced similar problems. SA GREAT! PS I am also of the older variety.
  10. My windscreen seems to have some sort of 'dry' film on it (outside). A bit hard to describe but when you wipe it dry after washing say with a tea towel it actually grips the towel and you find it extremely hard to wipe the towel across. Actually pulls lint off. Have tried Meguairs window cleaner as I am a firm believer in their products, however that makes it easier for that clean but back to square one next clean. Any thoughts?
  11. Falchoon, My radio also jumps back up to 3 on the volume when you turn the car back on after having it turned down to zero. Lets you know you actually still have the radio turned on.
  12. My car hasn' had a whistle at high speed but more of a fluttering noise, comes in around 130kph have also noticed it once at 110kph when a semi went past coming the other way. Mentioned to the dealer but a bit vague as to what they could do.
  13. Could be your rear shockers! Mine also has a similar noise especially at 20-40kph. When telling my Dealer about this site it he was very interested to see if there were any complaints about noisey shockers! First off Ford Tech hadnt heard of it but now recognise there is a problem. Apparantly Pedders have also put the development of ther replacement shocker on hold to see what develops. I think my dealer actually removed the rear shockers from a car to make sure that was where the noise was coming from. Seems to be mainly with XRs. Worth checking out with your dealer.
  14. mjh; The reference to the screws is only if you want to remove the speakers, nothing to do with the covers. When I re-read my submission thought it could be confusing.
  15. mjh; I took the rear speaker cover off "just to have a look" and it is just a matter of 'carefully' prizing it off with a flat screw driver, try in a couple of spots and it will come off. Just got plastic clips holding it in. You will find that you will need a very small socket to remove the screws as they have a hexaganal head, just to make it that little bit harder. Good luck!
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