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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/25 in all areas

  1. Update. Put in new cam solenoids and also removed the cam caps and cleaned the filters on there..and so far so good no code has come back .....so looks like it was either the solenoid or the cam filters
    2 points
  2. Spent a handful of hours in the yard today moving sh*t and clearing it a bit. Also spent a couple hours dragging a dyno ramp behind the ride on mower to smooth sh*t out a bit. I've got a digger coming on the weekend for the pad prep, along with 24 tonnes of dolomite rubble to compact with a compactor, not long now before it's all done! Got a bit more done than is in the pic but you get the idea
    1 point
  3. Good times man and how it has changed. I been playing counter-strike and gt7 on the ps5, they kick ass lol
    1 point
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