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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/08/24 in all areas

  1. Thanks again MR FG 09 I will get in contact with Kayhan to sort out the SEEK buttons. I like where you put the MIC also.
    1 point
  2. Ok, head gasket ordered, rings for pistons ordered and new 7/16 rod bolts ordered. I figured I'd better do the rod bolts cos they have been used 3 or 4 times now and are probably stretched too much. My Haltech cable arrived this morning so I can get to tuning the car slightly and when all the stuff arrives I'll sort the engine out. I also bought a bead blasting cabinet yesterday with some glass bead to prepare the pistons, so everything is set in motion to get it done.
    1 point
  3. I managed to trim the video, here it is. It doesn't look like much but the cuts were pretty violent. The last part I lifted and floored it again but the first part was wot. https://I.imgur.com/nRuSCZ0.mp4
    1 point
  4. Norrs, Could you please tell me if you have the factory Microphone connected to the Kayhan or after market? how do you find the Kayhan unit? Thanks.
    1 point
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