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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/06/23 in all areas

  1. Was 11 degrees out today. That should be illegal
    1 point
  2. Correct me if I am wrong. The return line off your rail goes to the reg then from the reg back to your surge? If so it sounds like you need to upgrade or modify your return line from the surge to the fuel tank. I modified the intank pump return by removing all the restrictions in the swirl pot and got the pressure a little lower but 10psi is optimistic
    1 point
  3. Found a nice wee swipe on my car this arvo after I got home from work. Funnily enough I took a photo of the car this morning because there was ice on the fkn thing it was that cold. Anyway, marks weren't there this morning so I think its happened at work. Is it really bad? No. But its fkn annoying. There goes my top coat! I wish people would be more careful, its not the first time this has happened at my work either. I've just started parking somewhere else at work too because I discovered the smokers were using my car as a leaning post when they're punching their lung busters 👌
    0 points
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