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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/08/21 in all areas

  1. Na I can drop a bunch easy. 10-15 different cans and yeah I'm fbcked haha. Drinking a few 6-10% tonight . Not sure if I should post in the beer or gym page. Getting fit yall haha
    1 point
  2. You'd get along with a mate of mine really well - always has some new fruity coloured beer can. I usually find them to be good for 1 can, not a session. Good old CUB for any more than 2 or 3
    1 point
  3. Happy late burffday keff [emoji869][emoji481]
    1 point
  4. Check the number one injector plug isn't fouled on the head and lifting the injector out of the rail.
    1 point
  5. Injectors went in and I've primed the pump a few times to check for leaks. Updated my tune file but haven't flashed it in. Then had a dream last night that the car was running like crap and I took it to a mechanic. As I was explaining the problem I suddenly remembered I hadn't flashed the new tune in. I should probably head out with the laptop so I don't have nightmares again tonight.
    1 point
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