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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/20 in all areas

  1. Evening all, just wondering if anyone has played around with the auto shifter? Id like to give the shifter in manual mode a firmer Shift feel. Has always felt way too soft for my liking and have a few times accidentally shifter the gears unintentionally. I haven’t pulled mine out to see how it works exactly, but after some digging around online. All I’ve found Is that in the Au-ba workshop manual on the 4 speed sequential shifter is a “torsion” spring that I think I might be looking at to replace, or find a stiffer option to get that firmer feel I am after. Or am I completely off the mark and has something more to do with switches that engage the up or down shift? So if anyone has had a play around with it before and can point me in the right direction, that would be sweet. Cheers.
    1 point
  2. Thank you for your response mate! I might track down a spare as well to have a play with 👌🏼
    1 point
  3. Few bits done over the last few days, mostly cleaning up the door and window seals, fitting up the Ghia lights into the xt grill. Had the roof lining dude come out this morning, did a killer job very very happy with it. I can pass on the details if anyone is interested. He is Sydney based and mobile. I asked him to leave the pillar panels off etc so I could paint them black also. Next few days is to wet sand the paint and get it as smooth as possible... Might wear headphones and get some tunes going to keep me motivated.
    1 point
  4. Mate, I was just looking at the spare one I picked up. Its def a spring and that white plastic bit looks like it can be pulled apart. If you could figure out a way to energize the spring or match up a stronger one you'll be golden. I picked up this one because my car wasnt wasn't going into performance mode. I later worked out the tiny little metal tab that activates the PRND light was missing from its little holder and wouldn't pick up a signal when moved over to performance mode.
    1 point
  5. just don't keep your hand leaning on it?
    1 point
  6. Been in the 400 club for a few years now. Baby GTX, 5” cat, PW 4” intake, built ZF, carbon driveshaft so I don’t end up with a hole in the floor. Brakes, coilovers, wheels. Getting towards 170k km, still solid. Obligatory dyno graph
    1 point
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