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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/02/18 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, Finally broke into the 400's on 98 octane. All work has been performed by Joe at CMS Prestons since late 2016 and previous tune was 385rwkw on 18psi Since then I dropped the car off a couple weeks ago and supplied with GTW3884r turbo upgrade and Stage 4 Atomic cams & head studs. Joe worked his magic and car turned out 425rwkw and 1054nm all on the same 18psi. The difference is mind blowing how much harder it comes on boost and just keeps pulling up high! Very happy with it. Big thanks again to @JETURBO for supplying me with some goodies once more. pics should be attached hopefully..
    5 points
  2. 3 points
  3. Hmm Awd g6 Choo Choo was today Should upload pics again
    1 point
  4. Hey mate , the turbo is just an out of the packet gtw3884r from Pac Performance with a turbo smart actuator.
    1 point
  5. Hey Josh , congratulations buddy and that’s a very good result on 98 for sure glad I could help you out mate
    1 point
  6. Hey man that's a clean looking ride and a good result with 98. What are the specs on the turbo?
    1 point
  7. Thanks mate, appreciate that! I will get a video of it idling soon as the cam is actually very lumpy considering it's not a 4+ version.. Heading to WSID next chance I get in March and I'll l get some footage.
    1 point
  8. beautiful car and very impressive power on 98 need a vid of dyno or track as soon as you can
    1 point
  9. Although Crysis 3 was released in 2013 it is so insanely hard for a pc to run it that it has become an internet meme. My pc is pretty beasty and it still only runs the game at 60 fps, give or take, on a 1440p monitor with max settings.
    1 point
  10. Waiting patiently for Arron to tell us how good engineer’s are again hey hahahaha
    1 point
  11. After alot of pushing and shoving it's shoehorned into the tiny box NNMe drive is bloody fast[emoji3] Boots up from scratch in about 12 seconds! Runs almost silent Temps are quite cool Less than 10 degrees above ambient at idle.
    1 point
  12. Solid effort from your boy there pix. Behind every great athlete is usually a great coach, but even more so are great parents who give them support and the lifts to practices. And in alot of instances the coach is the parent. I coached my son's cricket team for 5yrs and his basketball for 4 yrs, and enjoyed every minute of it. Again good work fella and who knows you may have a future Olympian on ya hands.
    1 point
  13. I have the engine out of it at the moment, making some changes and seeing how we go with some development. I will update this when it’s all back together
    1 point
  14. How good would it be if you won the lotto and could throw a NVG149 behind a t56 magnum and sort the front end like that fella with the awd G6ET. Would be pretty good hey. 1200hp and xr6t Ute weeeeeeeeeee
    1 point
  15. Problems all sorted after re-tune and a silicone joiner leak repaired. Made 410rwhp on 15psi, which I'm happy with ATM. Have a good one
    1 point
  16. Great second post man...way to get people on your side and wanting to help you... I love when people come on here having not spent much time seeing how much technical help actually does get offered on this forum, then bag it out when they don't understand some of the long running jokes on the forum. It's a bit of light hearted banter mate, don't take it too seriously. Engage in conversation without insulting long term members and you may realise that we actually have some very knowledgeable members that, in among their humorous posts, are generally pretty helpful.
    1 point
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