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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/08/17 in all areas

  1. Awesome day at Winton! New pb of 1min35.4. Off to Marulan this Sunday too. Car not overheating now with thermofan override and the one piece tailshaft made the throttle response feel instantaneous.
    5 points
  2. Don't know what you're talking about
    2 points
  3. Should've taken him for a quick squirt matty and watch him clog his pants
    2 points
  4. So, I'm BACK! I finally decided it was time to mod the old girl. I dropped my '10 F6 that has 160,000km on the clock into ASG Motorsports on the Gold Coast for Aaron to finish what I started, and tune the old girl. I did the following... Tog 4" exhaust 460 intank pump 1125cc injectors Plaz 1000hp cooler kit Plaz Cai Plaz Battery relo Ported exhaust housing 12.5psi actuator Hi-Flow thermo ASG did the following... Turbo Oil feed line Tranny cooler ZF steel pan and service Plaz HD valve springs Then we encountered a problem. My exhaust cam was rooted. The usual FG wear, so I decided to go Atomic Stage 4. We've had some discussion (aaron my tuner, and I) and seeing as though the car has 160,000 on the clock and we've put HD valve springs in, now might be a good time to replace the cam chain, tensioner & sprocket. Seeing as though the front cover needs to come off to do this, we're going to do the oil pump gears too. Whats peoples thoughts on anything else being done while it's apart? The only other thing I can think of was maybe head studs, in case I decide to push the power up in the future?
    1 point
  5. I just tigged one up for racewars, if you don't have any luck let me know and I can probably knock one out for you
    1 point
  6. Click on the torque management tab at the top. ATM your on the general for the engine.
    1 point
  7. 3 months of diet, exercise and no beer = no more blood pressure medication. Gotta be happy with that!
    1 point
  8. The car started its life as a mates lease car, so only had Ford oil changes every 15,000km. I got the car at 80,000 and changed to Nulon and was doing the oil changes every 10,000. The lucky thing is the turbo oil feed line never blocked. Also switching to Penrite HPR oil now. I know that Stage 4 Cams are a bit overkill seeing as though standard can hit massive numbers, however I have blown one motor in my last XR6T, and would rather over engineer. ...and just ordered head studs too.
    1 point
  9. Wouldnt happen to have fallen of the back of a truck also vid of pass
    1 point
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