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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/11/12 in all areas

  1. I'm to busy trying to get my head round the fact ppl watch that ....
    8 points
  2. Morning all. I am losing faith in the forum after reading the last couple pages, farken manufactured music is for the mushrooms. Most of you lads are in melbourne/sydney if you want to hear new tunes by artists that haven't been flogged then get onto JJJ unearthed station. Farken can't believe all this one direction et al waffle on here. Harden up with some \m/ and then go see a few live gigs (any genre) and see how real bands do it. Since when did the passenger get to choose the music? end rant. time for some ill nino
    6 points
  3. U lost me on that last part ...... Are u trying to get your sis preggas ? Cause that's what it sounds like
    5 points
  4. *Note: FF = push over. Touch my radio expect broken fingers.... Want: Haaayyaaa before every bite...
    4 points
  5. I bet you know exactly how he feels right now
    4 points
  6. I sell bread... well that's what I say when customers walk in to the office or call us up and ask if we sell tyres...
    4 points
  7. Surely your kidding? The cops job is to catch the criminal and then the justice system does the rest I think the guy should have been put to death for his previous actions but all the do gooders out there think that people will change from their mistakes and deserve a second or third or fourth chance, obviously they are wrong in this case and many others. They do not have the resources or numbers to watch every person that has committed an offence and how fair would it be if they did? Imagine if you got done for speeding once and then everywhere you drove you had a cop following you watching you, or you shop lifted once and everytime you went to the shops you had a cop following you, You would scream harassment! TMU is set up to deal mainly with traffic management issues, not chase criminals from other areas, they have a job description like you do at work
    4 points
  8. This has to be the most WTF post I have seen on the forum evah
    3 points
  9. hi pazzo. whats happening? oh wait.......... keep waititng.............................................. how long to go now?
    3 points
  10. cause pazz is always suspended!
    3 points
  11. panda eyes still considering fitting "that" bar to his car, still pissing me off.....
    3 points
  12. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this guy is a legend not only can he tune stuff, he knows stuff too. soooo many people whinge to the police when sentences are handed down that are piss poor. The police agree, the sentencing need to be harsher. What a lot of people forget, is that the coppers do all the hard work. arresting these crunts, gathering and compiling evidence, writing reports etc, and then the courts let the whole system down with a piss poor finding.
    3 points
  13. Zimmer frames getting all caught up in the hallway as our cateract eyes locked, heart pulpitations that didnt need a ambulance Love at 3rd sight
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. Morning all.. Driving to another town in the middle of nowhere today.. To get drunk.. Days like this I like my job..
    3 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Shy I got myself with sledge hammer on Monday, Just remember rule no.1, blame the closest person.
    2 points
  18. This guy knows. Though in Franga they're 100x easier.
    2 points
  19. Work has double paid me. Fingers crossed that slips past them and they dont notice... dont like my chances though.
    2 points
  20. Nail a piece of 4x2 on it
    2 points
  21. someone please tell me this exists in vic...
    2 points
  22. cant believe you are still considering adding that "thing" to your car? front bar on blue commo? look too bad? it looks like darth vader showing his bottom row of teeth....
    2 points
  23. P@, baby in stroller? poor form.......
    2 points
  24. Dieting is about cal in v cal out well from what I could gather from my research. It seems too many people try and over complicate it with things IF or IIFYM. I guess it comes down to what ever helps you deal with the hunger and if it is starving then binging so be it haha. I just don't see a lot of really successful fitness / muscle people using "dirty" eating habits like IIFYM. I can't see the point in eating all your calories basically in junk through 1 or 2 small meals where I can safely pig out through the course of a day if I'm eating clean. Whilst putting on muscle. I have gone from 23% bf down to 9% and I am actually putting on weight now which I would assume is lean muscle. Maybe half a kg a fortnight but I'm happy with that!
    2 points
  25. Lets just say when it was stolen, the police tested DNA in the ute in an attempt to catch the thieves.. I'm expecting a random DNA swab in the future will have me arrested for stealing a ute..
    2 points
  26. wtf is with your neck???
    2 points
  27. I have someone with me at the moment.. She's pretty alright company.. And she's pretty.. Which helps.. But travelling by yourself gets boring after a while.. Least I meet up with crews in the different towns..
    2 points
  28. this plus 6 months = WPYOT thread
    2 points
  29. oh now you have done it! now we will have to put up with the complaining about getting suspended once they are let back in.
    2 points
  30. please dont do this panda...if you really wanna change the bar why not put a bf foon bar on it,they look good and are made for that series..? do you really want your beast to be associated with cars like these...next you might get a rear bar aswell...lol
    2 points
  31. Forget Sammie... What's about Mel B's dress!? Damn!
    2 points
  32. Don't listen to commercial radio or watch much tv works for me FF. I've never heard a one direction song and only heard that gangnam song once.
    2 points
  33. Don't like one direction? Don't listen to it.. Country/Western for the win!
    2 points
  34. Gold is for bitches double plat is where it's at. true story from my drive home
    2 points
  35. Jeep are one brand that this is not true there prices have dropped year on year as the $ has got better. The SRT8 grand Cherokee at 76k is smoking value if you like performance SUV's. it is about 10 to 15k cheaper than last SRT and 100% better it's a pity ford dropped the territory turbo as they would be a great match up although it would have needed a serious power upgrade from the old model to keep up. Having just had a merc C200 for a hire car for a week euro cars might be nice to drive but they don't really like Aussie conditions. The AC really struggled in WA heat and it was pretty mild compared to full summer. This country needs cars built for this country it's just a pity that 80% of he buyers live in 3 capital cities and never leave the city so they don't see what real Aussie cars need and buy import models thinking an Aussie car doesn't meet their status symbol needs
    2 points
  36. all credability lost. first thing first, beer should have been the choice of drink. second, I really dont care if we get a mustang as a replacement of some sort for our aussie designed and built falcon! mustang has never meant anything to me and probably never will. love my escorts, early capris, cortinas and love the big boofy falcons. nothing out of the states will do as a replacement for me. if the falcon dies, I will be shopping elsewhere.
    2 points
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