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Xtreme F6

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About Xtreme F6

  • Birthday 22/08/1973

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    Cars..... cars..... Oh and cars
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    Team Xtreme

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  1. A cheap shot? Couldn’t be further from the truth. Why would me pointing out that a customer exaggerating what they have spend on something to be done on a car as being wrong not within my rights to do? As for given a chance to rectify it? I haven’t seen this car for 3 years. Let’s get real. There is so much more to this story and many others but all people want to do is take “cheap Shots” at shops that have been working on reputations for years. Anyways.
  2. Interesting read. Firstly, you say you spent over 25k? All your invoices for work we carried including services was a total $20745.00 and keeping in mind we haven't seen your car since Sep 2014. You paid for a stage II built trans including trans re-tune 5500.00 (invoice number 2466). If your planet had signs of the pins walking out I would have told you it needed to be replaced, if customers aren't willing to pay for an upgraded on the planet set then we can get a stock new one and weld the pins to try and help them to live longer. Brian, our stage 1 engine is only 11995.00 not 15k as you stated above and as for the phone call you stating I didn't show any interest in talking with you again is not true and not how the phone conversation went. I've not got the time to keyboard bash and argue with you. Good luck have a great Christmas
  3. Happy Birthday Xtreme F6!

  4. Happy Birthday Xtreme F6!

  5. Happy Birthday Xtreme F6!

  6. Happy Birthday Xtreme F6!

  7. https://www.facebook.com/XtremeFordTuning#!/photo.php?fbid=318320651584168&set=a.141052195977682.36817.139641019452133&type=1&theater
  8. Not sure if its the quickest ZF? Maybe? It will go faster, Custom precision turbo yes. It makes over 500 on pump fuel, we ran a 550 rwkw tune on E 85 tonight with hopes of using the 640 rwkw tune but not a chance. Its slip sliding around everywhere on the track with the low power tune. Full street weight, hoping we can see this into the 9's with the ZF.
  9. Tony Locatori/Xtreme Ford Tuning BF F6 ZF auto 10.27@138 mph 1.6 60 ft ET streets
  10. And then we had 40psi. 822.4 RWKW https://www.facebook...&type=1
  11. "SHOULD" be here this week. ALl left last week... all 6 of them.
  12. Latest check list. Precision Turbo (Check) 6 Boost manifold (Check) 38 Psi (Check) 810 RWKW'S Check https://www.facebook.com/XtremeFordTuning#!/photo.php?fbid=269784053104495&set=a.141052195977682.36817.139641019452133&type=1&theater
  13. Great stuff Benny! Glad we could sort it out for you mate and start to show its real potential. Times will tumble yet. Get that launch sorted and the 60 ft will follow as will the ET! Im hanging to get mine down again soon as I get a chance to get teh shoot put on it.
  14. Yep, im ready for a cruise, my F6 needs to spread its legs again. Driving it home from Motorvation had me smiling from ear to ear. Cruise, lunch and cruise again sounds good to me.
  15. Damn mate that's tragic when that happens. Your in an area that few people dare to walk with these engines and fewer succeed to do so without issues like this. I have been testing head studs and gaskets for ages and have had the best results so far with the current setup but even with what I have atm I still can get a couple of dribbles come out of the overflow line on 37 and 38 psi. You dont even need to be out by any small amount on any of the tune settings and it can still do this. Not forgiving at all and the first thing that loves to let you know when your pushing to hard is the cylinder head gasket. I got some custom ARP head studs out of the USA for mine (9/16)and they have so far put up with some huge and stupid amount of tests and punishment and 100's of dyno runs. Now they are finally starting to show signs of fatigue with repeated big boost pulls. People so dont understand how much money and heart ache that guys like yourself and me and Spiko and Kyle and other put into trying to get these huge power figures from an engine that only gets it development from this country and doesnt have the USA or other countrys helping to develop products past what we are pushing them to. I mean we may get parts made elsewhere but not under the programs of development that other engines have had. Your car is one nice looking machine so hopefully you get it sorted soon and start to chomp up the black stuff again! Simon XFT
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