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XF Falcon

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About XF Falcon

  • Birthday 10/09/1980

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    Perth, NOR
  • Member Title
    <put funny sh*t here>

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  1. Well checking ebay/gumtree/facebook daily has finally paid off. Managed to find a complete bootlid off a Force 6 for sale over east and the guy was happy to remove the spoiler and sell it seperately 🤘
  2. haha thanks guys. Looks like I'll be making lots of phone calls next week. Plan B is to buy a fibreglass off ebay but I hate working with glass.
  3. haha yeah that was a while ago. I tried to google them but they have changed to http://www.ftgautodiag.com.au/ I haven't actually tried calling them as it looks like they aren't wreckers any more. I will call them tomorrow or Monday anyway Yeah they are a lower profile to the DRJ and G6ET ones. I have one fitted on my turbo, just want to fit one on my ghia now :)
  4. So back 8 years ago the genuine force 6/8 lip spoilers were easy to buy, but these days I'm finding it impossible to do so. Does anyone have one laying around, or know anyone who stocks them at all? All I can find is fibreglass copies on ebay and other knock offs which look similar but just aren't the same thanks
  5. Happy Birthday XF Falcon!

  6. There used to be a discount code on the ford forums website for waxit.com, think it was like 10% or 15% off which saves a bit on large orders! But I haven't ordered from waxit in years. last order I got in some of that ironx to use on the xr gt when it came from over east (train brake dust, iron..etc) and it worked well I thought.
  7. That kick in the ass made my night! Still smiling about it now. Cheers for the cruise Steve!
  8. Happy Birthday XF Falcon!

  9. Really really wanted to make it there but black clouds and rain makes me sad in the pants. Hopefully the next one has nicer weather
  10. fingers crossed for no rain, but its not looking good :/
  11. That bonnet is called an Aggressor bonnet. Always liked them back when I first got my BF back in the day lol Thought this may be the car you're talking about, but you said it was flat black not gloss. I found this pic in my photobucket account from way back http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b378/1986fordfalcon/misc-crap/blackgrillebit.jpg
  12. Could be the flex plate bolts coming loose. At idle its a horrible rattle and soon as you rev it or put some load on it it disappears
  13. Not that I need to do any maintenance but I might be able to assist people with a few things, maybe if im free and not hungover. I know it says details will be PM'd later on, but what suburb will it be in just so I know how far we're talking about
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