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Fog Lights In The Act

Velvet Glove

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  • Team Blueprint
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Found this snippet of info regarding the use of fog lights at work tonight. This is in the ACT but I assume the rule would apply Australia-wide because of the standardised Australian Road Rules

Front fog lights must be white or yellow. They can be wired through the park light circuit and should only be used in conditions of reduced visibility such as fog, dust storm or smoke (I dont think darkness counts ;))

Rear fogs rate the same.

Aux driving lights (high beams) must only be wired through the high bea,m circuit and turned off when less than 200m behind a vehicle travelling in the same direction or from an oncoming vehicle.

Penalty for breach is $74 and 1 demerit point

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  • The Best Member
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I've looked through the Australian Road Rules and can't find any mention of when you can and can't use front fog lights. They are defined in there, but it only covers the use of rear fog lights (rule 217).

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  • Team Blueprint
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I've looked through the Australian Road Rules and can't find any mention of when you can and can't use front fog lights. They are defined in there, but it only covers the use of rear fog lights (rule 217).

I'm looking for the same and cant find it. I have found the offences for the rear fog light and the high beams but nothing about the fog lights

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  • Team Blueprint
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OK, I have finally clarified it. s219 of ARR talks about lights on that are likely to dazzle. If your lights arent adjusted so as to 'dazzle' (and wouldnt that be a corker to try and interpret) then u can have the fog lights on. Our guides talk about that being relevant during the day, but I'd suggest the night is fine as well. having said that if other people are flashing you when u have the foggies on then u may be 'dazzling'

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  • I see red
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There was an article in this weeks Canberra Chronicle about foglights VG, pretty much saying everything you said. Not very clear on the 'wired through the park light circuit ' bit. Does this mean they should only be wired to come on with the parking lights and not the main headlights? Every foglight I've ever seen comes on with high or low beam and parkers, just not by themselves.

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  • Itty Bitty Kitty Kar
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You will really hurt all the subaru and Late model camira drivers if you tell them they can't drive around with fog lights on unless it's foggy..........

I mean, what else are they gonna do to show everyone what tossers they are, oh that's right...... their driving style.....

*slaps forehead*

what was I thinking

as you were!

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  • Flaccid Member
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200m seems pretty close before you have to dim your highbeams.

people get upset up here if you don't dim them as soon as you see thier headlights.

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  • Team Blueprint
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There was an article in this weeks Canberra Chronicle about foglights VG, pretty much saying everything you said. Not very clear on the 'wired through the park light circuit ' bit. Does this mean they should only be wired to come on with the parking lights and not the main headlights? Every foglight I've ever seen comes on with high or low beam and parkers, just not by themselves.

It means just not by themselves, so the minimum they come in with is the parking lights. They have to be part of that integrated circuit, not a stand alone thing if u know what I mean.

200m is the minimum for the dipping. Common courtesy (or uncommon courtesy these days !!) would dictate people do it before, but they can be prosecuted when its 200m or less

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  • Great rack
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You will really hurt all the subaru and Late model camira drivers if you tell them they can't drive around with fog lights on unless it's foggy..........

I mean, what else are they gonna do to show everyone what tossers they are, oh that's right......  their driving style.....

*slaps forehead*

what was I thinking

as you were!

You're dead right there Miss Kitty. :blink:

Especially those SS's & Clubsport's, they are the most dazzling lights of all cars!! :blink:

I'm glad the XR/GT foggies aren't nearly as bad.

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In Victoria, the rear fog light is a $105 penalty, not sure about demerit points. The wording of the offence is "Using a rear foglight in non-prescribed conditions". A real pet hate of mine that one... Can't stand all the Hyundai's out there with that stupid lower mounted rear foggy!

As for front fog lights, like VG says, just not dazzling, same with ANY aux lights. Not many people are getting tickets for it though, as once again, like VG said, who is going to stand up in front of a magistrate and try and explain how they were "dazzled" when there is no precedent as to the definition of "dazzled"?

Down here in Victoria, we did our best to stuff up the Road Safety Act by making more changes and being about as far removed from the other states as we could be. So much for it being a NATIONAL document.

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