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Beefing Up The Zf

winter bft

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g'day all, just wondering what people are doing to their zf transmissions to hold up some big power? I have heard a few things such as replacing the input shaft with a fg one (apparently they're stronger) and adding clutch packs to some gears (is it all gears or just some?). can anyone shed some light on what I can/need to do, what parts I'll need and roughly how much the parts will cost. thanks heaps!

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  • loitering with intent
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for mine the guys in WA are the best from what I have read (F6 Ute/ F6 Tornado both seem to be all over it),

I was lucky, my car was starting to intermittently not like a manual downchange fron 3rd to 2nd.

A thorough flush, replaced fluid with transmax Z and a change of pan filter has made a huge difference.

Good maintenance , some mechanical sympathy may help.

I love a good skid and giving it a hit, but these cars like others get expensive to fix when broken.

Higher power requires better servicing. Not rocket science but it can't hurt. Not cheap either.

Just remember a lot of us are pumping 40% plus more power than std OEM tolerances.

We play , be prepared to pay. Hate to trundle out the old mantra.

As said a good service program is a good starting point.

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I think anything higher than 300rwkw would be classed as big power seeing as stock they are putting out about 200rwkw.

100kw is a lot of strain.

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  • F6+300+
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The input shaft in a BF changes directly to a FG Shaft and over the two models there have been about 4~5 different heat treatments.

$4k is way over the top in my opinion and I have done many but I guess some people have BIG Overheads.

In most cases now the input shaft is OK depending on the tuners ability and the quality of tires you use.

Find out who does ZF's near you and get a quote on the work they will be doing broken down into parts and Labour then see what you are getting!!!!.

A late model FG might just need some pistons modifications and some extra clutch plates & Discs resulting in Just $500 or less in parts, Input Shafts another $500 if needed. Labour to remove and replace and oil. GST etc etc

Typically they are very good and cheap to do so look around.

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Yeah it does matter how far you go. The figure I threw up was just something you would give one if these auto shops and they give you something that will handle 450kw. It's no quote.

Everyone will have different requirements though.

BTW F6 you say you build them? Do you want another one to build?

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  • F6+300+
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I built heaps and have taught two Tuners in WA how to do them so now I can leave it all to them. I help them out and they both do a good job but these small transmissions are just toys as I usually work on the Bigger ZF stuff.

Just shop around and most of all get a quote on what they are actually doing and what parts they are putting in or intend to put in. I think some just charge BIG $$$$ because its a ZF and its made in Germany ahhahaha People naturally think it will cost a fortune to fix and that's simply not the case.

I just cant comprehend the price some people charge when I know first hand what they cost. :bangcomputer:

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