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Why Buy A Flash Tuner?


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Hi Guys,

My previous car was a 2003 SV8. I used a Mail Order Tune in that car. It cost me $400 and worked like a charm. Better fuel economy and better grunt with crisp throttle. GOOD value.

So now I'm looking at options for my FG XR6T. It seems that I have two options. 1: Buy a Flash Tuner and 2: Buy a tune from guys using VCM / HP Tuner software.

I understand that the guys tuning XR6T's don't use the tune supplied with the Flash tuner - they install a custom tune. Correct? If so, why buy the Flash tuner? I have no interest in tinkering with any tune that I've paid experts to install.

If the tuner is going to install a custom tune (for whatever reason), why not use VCM / HP Tuner software that does not require the additional cost of the Flash Tuner?

Is the Flash Tuner of any use on my next car? It may not be an XR6T. If I open up the cats on my current car, it seems to me that the custom tune will need to be left in the PCM to prevent error codes with the factory tune - correct? Can the Flash Tuner be used with another car if its custom tune is left in a previous car? If not, am I correct in assuming that quite a few changes might need to be made to the current XR6T to enable the factory tune to be reflashed into the PCM, to eenable the Flash tuner to be carried over to my next XR6T or onsold to another XR6T owner?

I think I prefer the VCM product. Any reputable VCM tuners in Sydney??


Edited by PAH
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The Xcal3 also gives the ability to read and clear any fault codes that are active or logged in the ECU. Essentially it's a flash tuner and a code reader all in one.

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I'm with you PAH, although the XCAL is a brilliant product and has allowed for the 'perfect' tune, its mind boggling that consumers have to purchase a box that costs more (sometimes) than the actual tune itself that 95% of the time sits in the shed doing nothing. Using it to read codes is handy, but if the car was tuned correctly then there should be no codes, and if a sensor has died, that's why you pay a mechanic to read the code and replace the faulty part...

Oh well, its another good source for revenue for companies, so that they can make further advancements...

When other tuning products improve, I'm sure we will see more and more tuners moving across, simply to stay competetive...

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Hi Guys,

I am looking for an engine tune that does not require the purchase of a box such as a Flash Tuner. A Flash Tuner may provide a few features such as reading error codes, but I am happy to let my mechanic do that and save the $850 odd purchase price.

I suspect that a PCM remap using VCM may avoid the need to purchase any form of tuner box. Am I correct on this point?

Who's using a tune done with VCM? Are there any tuners using VCM in Sydney? If so, who?

I understand that Autotechnique are Forum Sponsors. They are Melbourne based and appear to use VCM. Autotechnique - VCM Suite - VCM Performance - Harrop - Process West


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The reason you would buy a xcal3 over a VCM is if you want to do data logging and it easy to change custom tune if you have more than one (one for the wife and one for you).

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Thanks Gee,

Neither of those points apply to me. I am after a tune like the Mail Order Tune I bought for my SV8. It worked like a charm. It never needed to be changed. Plug and Play. Set and forget. I have no intention of tweaking tune parameters. If I ever need data logging, I will go to a mechanic who can do that for me.

VCM may not be the only non Flash Tuner option. I wonder what Gentech in Canberra use?


Edited by Dagabond
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The reason you would buy a xcal3 over a VCM is if you want to do data logging and it easy to change custom tune if you have more than one (one for the wife and one for you).

Why let her drive it!! ok u need a designated driver some times!!

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Single tunes are ok 95% of the time, but the other tunes you can have on the box come in handy, 98ron (if you run it)some times not available whether because your traveling somewhere remote or supplies drying out, chuck the 95ron tune in and your good to go. And the valet tune is perfect when leaving the car with someone you don't trust, cheap insurance to stop your car from being thrashed when your not there to keep an eye on it.

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I had the same conundrum. I chose the flash tuner because I have been caught out to many times where 98 octane wasnt available as I do alot of country driving. The other stuff is a bonus but that's the main reason. If I was just a city dweller I would have just got a straight tune.

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