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Ford Motor Company & Fpv Tour (all States Event)

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  • Flower Power
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Ford Motor Company & FPV Tour (All States Joint Event)

31st October 2003

This is the biggest event FordXR6Turbo.com has had to date.

We have organised a tour of the Geelong Engine Plant, Broadmeadows Assembly line, and FPV on the 31st October 2003.

We would like members from all states and territories to attend this event.

Not sure which way the Perth/WA, Darwin/NT members would go, I am assuming both meet up in Adelaide/SA and stay over night, then over to Geelong the next day.

Hobart/TAS members, how long does it take to get to Geelong? Same day?

Brisbane/QLD I assume would drive down and stay in Sydney for the night, then cruise down to Geelong with the Sydney/NSW members (picking up the Canberra/ACT members along the way) the next day.

The format in Melb would be:

Friday 31st October:

Geelong Manufacturing Operations 10-11am (Group of 60)

Drive to Broadmeadows, stopping at McDonalds for a very quick lunch

FPV Broadmeadows, 12:45-1:50PM (one lot of 30, Group A)

Ford Broadmeadows, Barry Rd gate 1-2pm (one lot of 30, Group B )

FPV Broadmeadows, 2:10-3:15PM (one lot of 30, Group B )

Ford Broadmeadows, Barry Rd gate 2-3pm (one lot of 30, Group A)

After the FPV Tours are finished, we will all Re-Group at FoMoCo Broadmeadows to hear a speech from the Great man Himself, Geoff Polites :D

Important Information on the Ford Motor Company Tours

Your first activity will be a safety talk. You will then make your way to the tractor/train and do a 45 minute tour through the Plant. Each person will be fitted with safety glasses and headphones. A guide will give a commentary throughout the tour and he will answer any questions at the end.

We will be travelling through the plant on a tractor driven train. This allows us to take you very close to the activity, noise and excitement of the car assembly process. This presents risks as well as the opportunity to have a unique view of a vehicle being assembled and therefore we would like to inform you fully of the requirements that must be met for the tour to be conducted in a safe manner. Please note that the following clothing is a must on these tours:

* covered toe shoes (no thongs/sandles)

* long sleeved shirts (no t-shirts)

* long pants (no shorts)

* Safety glassess (will be handed out on the day)

All these items must stay on at all times whilst on the tour.

Failure to keep them on will endager your life, and will result in prompt cancellation of the tour(s).

Please note:

* The use of mobile phones or other Camera Technology will be prohibited on site

Our safety rules on the train are:


* Safety glasses and earphones provided must be worn throughout the tour and returned to the tour guide at the end.

* We ask that a supervising adult be placed at the back of each carriage and carry out responsibility for the supervision behavior and observance of the safety rule.

The tour through the factory will be cancelled immediately if everyone does not adhere to the safety rule at all times. The tractor/train will return to the Activity Centre and the program will be shortened accordingly.

Important Information on the Ford Performance Vehicles Tours

The same safety rules apply.

Unfortunately FPV arn't in production on Friday Afternoon, so this will just be a tour of the plant only. I will try to get some of the tools and parts layed out for us to see on the day.

Saturday 1st November:

Cruise down the Great Ocean Road, to Port Campbell. Stay over night.

Sunday 2nd November:

Cruise back to Geelong / Melb through the inland way, and then home again.

This is all pre-liminary, but the weekend would be something similar to this.

I think all the WA/NT/QLD members need to take Wed 29, Thu 30, Fri 31, Sat 1, Sun 2, Mon 3, Tue 4 off work if they are driving.

All the NSW/ACT/TAS(?) members would need to take of Thu 30, Fri 31, Sat 1, Sun 2, Mon 3.

Once I get rough numbers, I will start booking accomodation in Sydney, Adelaide, Geelong and at the end of the Great Ocean Road.

If any of this does not sound right let me know.

So, with the rough details, who want's to come along?

I need to know the following info:

* Amount of cars

* Amount of people

* Where and what dates accommodation is required

* How many people require accommodation (how many children, how many adults)

* How much you are willing to spend on accommodation

* Which state you are from

Who is comming:

Legend: Nickname, # People, # Cars, Which Event, (Accommodation Required)


* DucattiJB - 2 Adults, 1 Car, Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (Geelong Thursday - Friday, GOR Saturday)

* Trumpy - 1 Adult, 1 Car, Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (Geelong Thursday - Friday, GOR Saturday)

* PhantomXR6 - 2 Adults, 1 Car, Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (Geelong Thursday - Friday, GOR Saturday)

* TwinXRs - 2 Adults, 1 Car Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (Geelong Thursday - Friday, GOR Saturday)

* JB351 - 3 Adults, 1 Car, Ford Tours Only. (No Accommodation)

* CJF077 - 1 Adult, 1 Car, Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (Geelong Thursday - Friday, GOR Saturday)

* Cramorr - 2 Adults, 1 car, Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (Geelong - No Accommodation. GOR Saturday)

* Phantom_XR6Turbo - 2 Adults, 1 Car, Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (Geelong Thursday - Friday, GOR Saturday)

* Saleen1 - 2 Adults, 1 Car, Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (Geelong Thursday - Friday, GOR Saturday)

* Plumb Bob - 2 Adults, 1 Car, Ford Tours Only. (No Accommodation)

* Spadnium - 2 Adults, 1 Car, Ford Tours Only. (No Accommodation)


* Dagabond - 3 Adult, 1 car, Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (No Accommodation)

* BATRB-6 - 2 Adults, 1 car, Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (No Accommodation)

* Geea - 2 Adults, 1 car, Ford Tours Only. (No Accommodation)

* IMTRBO - 1 Adult, 1 car, Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (No Accommodation)

* BLKXRT & XRCISM - 2 cars, GOR Cruise. (Geelong - No Accommodation, GOR Saturday)

* XRCISM (BLKXRT emergency) 1 adult Ford Tours

* GHR30 - 3 Adults, 1 Car, Ford Tours Only. (No Accommodation)

* Bloan - 1 Adult, 1 Car, Ford Tours Only. (No Accommodation)

* PSI_Guy + Julza - 4 Adults, 1 car, Ford Tours Only. (No Accommodation)

* Trevor - 1 Adult, 1 Car, Ford Tours Only. (Geelong - Thursday)

* Madisonjae - 2 Adults, 1 Child, 1 Car, Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (Geelong - No Accommodation, GOR Saturday)

* Red_Rex - 3 Adults, 1 Car, Ford Tours Only. (No Accommodation)

* Whatever - 2 Adults, 1 Car, Ford tours Only. (No Accommodation)

* Black XR6 VCT - 1 Adult, 1 Car, Ford Broadmeadows Only. (No Accommodation).

* Mercturbo - 1 Adult, 1 Child, Ford Tours only (No Accommodation).


* MS700 - 2 Adults, 1 car, Ford Tours Only. (Geelong Thursday)

* CraigH - 1 Adult, 2 kids, 1 car, Ford Tours Only. (Geelong Thursday - Friday)

* Falchoon - 2 Adults, 1 car, Ford Tours & GOR Cruise. (Geelong Thursday - Friday, GOR Saturday)


* XRMan - 2 Adults, 1 car, Ford Tours Only. (No Accommodation)

* Goose - 1 Adult, 1 car, Ford Tours Only. (No Accommodation)

Please note, we can only get a Max of 60 people on the tours, so first in first served.

Current Ford Tours head count: 60 (Maximum Capacity)

Current Ford Tours car count: 30

Current Great Ocean Road head count: 29

Current Great Ocean Road car count: 16

We need to know all information ASAP so we can start booking accommodation (it is getting harder by the day)

Please note: The FordXR6Turbo.com owner(s), Moderator(s), and Event Co-ordinator(s) (including myself) are not responsible for anything that happens on this event. You are responsible for your actions on the Event

Edited by BLKXRT
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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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Tentative (will confirm shortly).

2 x Adults

1 x Car

? x Fun :lol:

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  • Flower Power
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I do apologise about the short notice, I haven't been able to get in touch with the appropriate people in Ford and FPV very easily.

This is going to be a family event, so of course bring your kids along :)

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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Are you bringing your wife, Cro?

I really want to meet such an understanding Social Worker. :lol:

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It's case of both good and bad timing. :whistle:

GOOD: Would be a prefect time to take my new XR6T for a long drive (provided it gets delivered on time).

BAD: It's right smack-bang at the end of my company's financial year (it's an American thing), which would make it almost impossible to get leave.

Damn, one week later would have been soooo sweet. Oh well, I'll have to delay my cruise debut until after then. :thumbsup:

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I'd come to but it looks like there's no VIC in the list...... ;)

FREE Accomodation Available for 5 people if needed.

(Spair double bed and three couch's).

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