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Tinting Tail Lights Revisited


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Over the past week or so I have had a few PM's regarding my darkened/tinted tail lights and indicators

regardlis of weather you like it or not

having looked at a few of the threads on the subject it seems a few people are slightly confused so here is a quick how to

You will need: hand tools to remove light(wont go into it should be easy enough to figure out)

1x tin of VHT Nite-Shade tinting spray (most good auto shops will have or can get it)

1x oven (clean preferably he he)

2 x small flat bladed screwdrivers

1x tube of clear sealant (sealys bathroom is tops)

bit of a delicate touch

1x large can of patience

some of the following instructions have been touched on by other people but I thought id put them all together

Right o

First and foremost the tinting is done on the INSIDE of the lense not the outside I have seen alot of people asking and telling otherwise how to get the glossy finish well this is how not buy buffing or clear coat etc doing it this way will just not last and wont look as good

Step 1: Remove your taillight (ute/sedan doesent matter) completely from the car

Step 2: you will notice that it is a sealed unit and no you dont try and spray through the globe holes, this is where your oven comes in handy set it to around 70-80 degrees (do not go hotter) wipe your lights clean then place them in the oven for about 5 mins or so

Step 3:remove one of the lights (you will need gloves) and using your flat bladed screwdriver (butter knifes work well) remove the lense from the black frame of the light (you will have to work quickly but carefully as you have softened the sealant and you dont want it to get hard again but you also dont want to crack or warp the lense)

Step 4: repeat step 3 with other light

Step 5: remove the sealant from the lense and frame

Step 6: at this point you have to decide if you want the whole lense tinted or if you want to mask off any part

Step 7: set up to spray and then spray your first light coat (this stuff is decieving son dont go nuts after each coat put it up against your car and stand back cause it always looks darker on the car and remember you are putting a black backing on it)

Step 8: once you have your desired look use the clear sealant to go around the frame then put the lense back on and hold firm till set (sticky tape is good)

Step 9: re-fit light

I must stress not to be too heavy handed with the lense when its warm as you can deform the lense slightly

hope this is helps some people and sorry there is no pics but I aint pulling the cars apart again


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also as far as I know this cant or shouldnt be done to the headlights if you want the headlights done buy some protectors and do them they can be removed if the cops do take exception

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I done my stock tail lights ages ago, ive sold them now and bought altezza tail lights and tinted them, looks sweet in my opinion, ive never been hasseled by cops over it in almost 1 year when I done it.

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yeh I know its not the best idea and the cops can pick on it but if you dont go nuts you can get away with it ive had it on a EB fairmont and a AU fairmont and never been pininged (luck of the draw I guess)

im not condoning this or anything but if people wanna do it I thought maybee they should know the best way

I tried this today and I cant seperate the lense :thumbsup:

was this with your stock tails or your clear jobs ?

ive never tried the clear after market ones so I cant vouch for those

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dunno wat to say ive done it to my ba sedan and it worked a treat

maybee up the heat in the oven a little bit see if it makes a difference :unsure:

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I tried it with my stock ones.They are well and truley stuck on there. :lookaround:

howd ya go any luck?

im gonna be doing a mates bf when I get back from work so ill let you know how it goes and will post some picks

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howd ya go any luck?

im gonna be doing a mates bf when I get back from work so ill let you know how it goes and will post some picks

Tried again with no luck. :bangcomputer:

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