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My Ba N/a To Turbo Project

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Just thought I would share my experience with the turbocharging of my 2004 BA XR6 ute.

I had pondered this conversion for some thime, the pros and cons ect, and finaly decided

to turbocharge the standard asprirated motor.

Leading upto christmas I watched ebay and the trading post for the items I required.

I managed to source nearly 90% of the conversion on Ebay. This may sound a bit risky

but worked out well in my favor in saving some cash. Having a plan that I would use

as many factory parts as I could,anything that I could not buy 2nd hand I bought new

from the local ford dealer.


The conversion itself took the best part of the weekend. and is very straight forward.

post-11722-1203652721_thumb.jpg before

post-11722-1203652876_thumb.jpg Getting ready to drill and tap the sump.

post-11722-1203653325_thumb.jpg 16mm hole for the oilretun and 2 M8 tapped holes.

Pack the flutes of the tap with grease to minimise fileings goning in the sump

post-11722-1203655126_thumb.jpgpost-11722-1203653837_thumb.jpgI decided to replace the 2 original hot water pipes with the ones designed for the turbo cars.

post-11722-1203653976_thumb.jpg The maifold and turbo are bolted on as a single unit.

post-11722-1203654184_thumb.jpg The cold side of the intercooler pipework being installed

post-11722-1203654363_thumb.jpgSorting out the intake pipework.

post-11722-1203654751_thumb.jpg Mounting of the intercooler.

post-11722-1203654811_thumb.jpg The parts of the loom here need to be tied back as far as possible. (heat)


The finished product.

As you can see the assembled engine looks almost like a factory one.(except for the red rocker cover)

A couple of other items you will need are a "tee" peice for the water return (bypass) heater hose,

and an adaoptor for the oil preasure sensor to allow the turbo io feed line to be bolted up.

The guys at HPF will be fitting 42lb injectors and a Walbo 255 intank as a preliminary dyno run indicates

that my injectors are way to small.


Turbo,manifold,lines and sheild. FTG Autosalvage $2000

Factory I/c and plenum+pipes E-Bay $200

Factoy exhaust and dump. E-bay $150

Genuine ford water pipes Ford $130

Genuine ford heater by-pass Ford $35

Monza intercooler Auto bahn $350

Boost controler Turbosmart $150

2 bar map sensor hpf $200

spark plugs NGK NGK $50

As I type this the car has a little over 200RKW@ 4000 rpm. Will be back in the shop next wednesday for final tune.

THis has been a great proect for the DIY .

Cheers Richard





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Someone has finally had a good go at it, awesome. How do you think it will compare to a standard T mate? And good to see the old I/C is good for something..

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Finally, someone who has shown it is possible to do on a budget.

Good work mate! I was planning on doing the same, even though everyone was telling me to just trade it in for a T. But being in the market for a house has put those plans on hold for a while...

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