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Fog Lights


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I think it seem to be a trend with many other cars on the market nowadays that have fog lights fitted and many drivers have them on driving around town.

Got stopped recently at a RBT one morning (1am - Brisbane) and the copper told me that it was "an offence" to have my fog lights on unless there was fog.

Could not find it in the Qld Transport Act. (can't understand it anyway). So, what's the go? Can one get booked for this?


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IMO, if their not dazzling to other oncoming drivers, who gives a toss!

ive been warned in NSW for my fog lights, but used them in the same town in VIC now for almost 12 months and a copper has never said a word!! (after numerous accounts)

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  • Crusty aviator
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Dwyerfam there is a swag of debate on threads throughout this forum on that topic thqt comprise a mixtrue of opinion and fact. Try the search function. It depends on which state you are driving (doesn't everything?). I agree with TLolly, if it improves safety what the Hell, if they are foggies they cannot dazzle anything above 18" above the road anyway.



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I got booked for having them on in my crappy VY SS last year. The ticket read "Dazzling other drivers" or some such rambling.. Such rubbish. It was dusk coming off the freeway in Berowra and it cost me $87..... Since having the Turbo though I drive with them on constantly and havent been warned/booked and that's over a year now. Go figure..

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  • Flower Power
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I got booked for having them on in my crappy VY SS last year. The ticket read "Dazzling other drivers" or some such rambling.. Such rubbish. It was dusk coming off the freeway in Berowra and it cost me $87..... Since having the Turbo though I drive with them on constantly and havent been warned/booked and that's over a year now. Go figure..



The foglights on commodores are poorly aimed and more powerful than the falcons.

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I think it depends on how pissed off the cop is on the day... I personally use them because I think it brightens up the side of the road like nothing else (I'll turn them off if I see another oncoming car) and have never had any probs... I've seen other XR6's driving around with them on and not once have I been blinded because of them

Just for the record I think 4x4 drivers with their normal lights on shouldn't be allowed to drive after dark as the are exactly head hight...

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  • Team Kickass
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Simple answer, they ARE ILLEAGAL , they DO BLIND OTHER DRIVERS.. If you have them on when there is no fog you do deserve to be booked. For more information look to the Road Traffic and Safety management Act of 1999, else the road regulations as amended. I personally would book every one if I had the time because they affect my night driving as the light although not brighter is emitted in a different way as is the high beam. Unfortunatly they reduced the fine I think it should me worth more and demerit points. My automatic reaction to Fog Lights is to turn on my high beam. Cro knows how I feel on the matter. :crybaby:

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  • Team Kickass
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There are 3 situations when you can safely and legally use your fog lights.

1. When there is fog.

2. when you are caught in a sand storm ( As legislated ).

3. when you are parked in your gararge whith the door down ( This can be done at anytime you wish, you can also have your high beam and hazrds on if you wish ).

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