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Girl, 15, First To Be Charged Under Police Chase Law


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Girl, 15, first to be charged under police chase law


March 25, 2010 - 4:14PM

A 15-year-old girl has become the first person charged in NSW under new police pursuit laws after allegedly leading officers on a 30-minute chase in the state's central west.

Police allege they attempted to stop a white Suzuki Swift speeding on Victoria Street in Dubbo last night.

It took three attempts using road spikes before the car came to a stop after its tyre came away from the rim, police said.

The girl was charged with driving in a dangerous manner and engaging in a police pursuit, the new police pursuit law enacted seven days ago, which carries up to a three-year jail term.

"Police were absolutely astounded to find that the driver of the car was a 15-year-old girl who had other juveniles in the car with her," police said.

"She will now be the first person charged under the new police pursuit laws and she will face a potential three years in jail.

"These laws were enacted to send a very strong message that fleeing from police is illegal and dangerous."

The new laws were announced after Skye Sassine, 19 months, died on New Year's Eve when two alleged armed robbers fleeing police crashed into her family's car.

The 15-year-old girl will appear in Dubbo Children's Court on May 3.

The passengers have been released pending further investigations.

Debate has been reignited around police pursuits following the deaths of four people, including a young family last weekend.

Canberra couple Scott Oppelaar-Mills, 33, and Samantha Ford, 29, and their four-month-old baby boy were killed when a stolen car being chased by police ploughed into their car on Saturday night.

The driver of the stolen Mazda 626, Justin Williams, 23, who was disqualified and had a record of car theft, died in Canberra Hospital.

I didn't know they used road spikes in Aus..?

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slap on the wrist.. at most it will be a fine, loss of licence and a good behaviour bond. lol would be good if they could enforce penalties for how long the chase went for.. lol lets say for every minute $1000 fine and a year off your licence.. I mean you can speed through a red light safety camera and lose at a minumum 7 points and over $600 in fines.. dont quote me on any of this im just dreaming

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It can actually be applied in a way, where even though they cant hold a licence, if there caught driving again they face a mroe serious charge. Also prevents them form gettting a licence when there old enough.

All offences even murder are applied to everyone equally. There is no difference because of age, just judicial processes and types sentences that can be imposed.


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4 actually and $400 with change.


But if you run a red light at the same time it's another 3 points and some $300 or something.

The punishment should be decided based on the severity of the chase. Someone might try running away and realize it's not worth it and pull over, in this case jail would be wrong but for a more severe chase and repeat offender jail is perfectly fine.

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