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- Past hour
Ironically due to the large fuel changes, it was lean when stalling it up. I fixed it up in the driveway by stomping the throttle while it was in drive...can confirm it does turn a tyre. That's the best way to get that part of the map dialled. Shed has had 3 weeks of concrete curing and needs one more. I'm going to epoxy the floor so when the concrete is dry I'll do that, then it'll take another week for that to dry. I got sunburnt as a bastard yesterday working on the car...I looked at the shed but yerp, just gotta wait.
There will be some stuff in Vic, I just looked in my area.
- Today
Some decent buying there, but getting over from SA prob make it pretty costly. I’m in Melbs. Guess could road trip for the right buy.
Haha old mate will go to the grave with his $3200 trans lol. Here's the $700 ono trans You could also just use a na trans up to 300rwkw or so, provided it was tuned.
if @Puffwagon can find you his $700 link, he should be able to backtrack on his "dreaming" statement, based on evidence... but of course, you could always find somebody else who's willing to sell it for a reasonable price.
I offered the bloke around $1500 for the box and he said I was dreaming
might even turn a tyre now what's the hold up of the shed?
who'd bother paying to "rebuild" it to OEM level, they'd always be upgrading in the process... so you'd have a better than OEM one cheaper than a "built" box, probably, as they have to disassemble and re-assemble a normal "built" one
Finished up tuning for now, not really much point chasing the rest as it's just small fuel trim amounts, makes no difference to anything. Ended up with 324.7rwkw, up from about 305rwkw.
You'd have a stock rebuilt trans, no upgrades and still pay more than a second hand stock trans
but then you'd have a "built" trans, not a OEM one,
Yeah you'd get scrap You can rebuild a stuffed trans but then you're up for a rebuild which cost more than a second hand trans
Is there anything else I am going to need other than a clue and some help? I guess the other question is what is a TR6060 with 200,000 kms on it worth. Not thrashed at all but clutch probably needs replacement.
not even scrap-metal value? surely milkshaked ones can be rebuilt with new clutches etc?
A farked trans is worthless
- Yesterday
of course it's the same ZF6 as any other turbo-6 variant of a ZF6, but wow, surprised they're so cheap... I would assume one that cheap would have been milkshaked haha
It doesn't matter that it's from an F6, it's the same as any other turbo box. I just saw one for sale on market place for $700.
a ZF6 from an F6 should be $1k... didn't realise the price had dropped that far... admittedly I haven't been keeping an eye on the cost of them, but they used to be $5k+.
The gearbox is at least $2000 to much but I could live with the rest of the stuff. You could get a flex plate of market place for $20 though.
Does this seem like an ok deal…. “We have series 2 turbo gearbox from a F6 s2 cost $3200 - 114 klms Tail shaft - $450 reco Engine loom S2 turbo same car $450 Shifter - $120 Flex plate $65”
morning all, happy Friday ❄️
Fitted my hectic cam today and dialled in the idle fuel a bit. While I was half way through the install I had a phone call and when I was nearly done working on the car, I couldn't remember if I torqued the cam gear bolts. Pulled it back apart to check, I had done it, 2 hours later I was back to where I was lol. Better safe than sorry but fark that for a waste of time. Still a couple of weeks till I can use the shed, so I was out there in full sun, bent over cos the car is low. Dyno tomorrow, hopefully it all works good and does what is supposed to.
That would certainly be a nice relief… the clutch return spring is actually failing now so it’s not returning all the way properly.
I wonder if you can slightly modify your clutch pedal to change the ratio, to make it easier to push?
Can you work out if it is connected to the engine turning, or the driveline turning? eg. put gearbox in neutral while the sound is happening, and change engine revs. Does the sound stay connected to the speed the car is rolling at, or does the sound change with engine revs?
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