Hectic cam arrived today, I ordered tools for it today, last time I borrowed them on offer but don't want to be that guy who borrows stuff. Tools will arrive next week and I can get to tuning again lol. I think it will be very close in the tune anyway for reasons. Gonna head to roll racing and actually go this time, should do some chopping, at least the commodores anyway.
Ordered another cam for my hectic Caprice. This one is even more hectic than the current one that makes 310rwkw, hopefully it'll pick up another 20 but we'll see lol.
If anyone wants the VCM16 I'll have it for sale shortly, can also install and tune it too
We were due for 8mm rain tonight, which was downgraded to 2mm. I washed my shed exterior, hosed out the interior, hosed the back yard and hosed the front yard. Pretty much 1500m2 of hosing. Also hosed a couple of cars to remove the dust. Hosed a bunch of trees etc
So farken dusty, we need some rain for sure.